
STEFAN KAEGI Stefan Kaegi (1972, Switzerland) develops his work from real biographies in non-theatrical spaces. In Europe he worked with ants, hamsters and 200 people who acted as politicians. Altogether with Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel, Kaegi is part of the Rimini Protokoll collective of theater directors, which became famous due to its theatrical actions and interventions in public space, performances of "Ready Made" actors in theatrical spaces in which ordinary people act. Recently, Rimini Protokoll created the cellular transatlantic theater "Call Cutta" in Berlin and Calcutta, and "Mnemopark" (Kaegi), a world of train samples, in Basilea.The"Deadline" project, performed by cemetery workers, was invited to be part of the German "Theatertreffen" festival. Kaegi studied visual arts in Zurich and performance studies at the Giessen University, in Germany. German and Swiss broadcasters transmitted his soap-operas"Kuglerder Fall","Jodie Foster""Play Dagobert"and"Gluhkaferkomplott". Besides performing in Germany and Argentina, the director also performed in Austria and Poland. In Brazil, the director performed the projects "Torero Portera", a documentary theater in which three unemployed door-keepers talk about their lives, and "Matraca Catraca", an REM trip of a bus that deviates from its route. The protagonists were people from Salvador (Bahia), and the scenery were famous spots of the city, and the dramaturgy moved back and forth, along with the matraca [rattle], in his project "Cargo Sofia" he toured a Bulgarian truck containing a mobile theatre audience peeping through a glass windowthrough a dozen of european cities. They toured through Belgrade - during 40 Bitef 06.