
DUŠAN JOVANOVIĆ, born 1939, is theatre director and a playwright. Graduated French and English languages and literatures at the Faculty of Philology, University of Ljubljana, Studied Theatre Directing, Academy ofTheatre Arts, University of Ljubljana. Teaches playwriting at the Academy ofTheatre Arts, He was teaching directing and acting, as well. Member of a board of Slovene Film Fund, he was president of Prešern foundation, artistic director of experimental theatre Glej and Slovensko Mladinsko Theatre, co-founder and director of Pupilija Ferkewerk theatre... Plays published in collections and separate volumes, in antologies of Slovene andyugoslav drama and in literary and theatre magazines in Slovenian, Serbocroat, English, Polish, German, Hungarian, Check, Italian, French, Macedonian and Slovak. Directed over 150 plays of Yugoslav and foreign authors. (Cankar, Krleza, Nusic, Smole, Kovacevic, Hieng, Svetina, Seligo, Jesih, lonesco, Vitrac, Schiller, Shakespeare, Buechner, Strindberg, Gorki, Chexov, Gombrowich, Havel, Shepard, Albee, О Neill, Moliere, Musset...) in the professional theatres of Ljubljana, Celje, Maribor, Nova Gorica, Triste, Sarajevo, Zenica, Zagreb, Belgrade, Subotica, Dubrovnik, St Etienne and Vienna). He was awarded with numerous awards, such are: award from Sterijino pozorje, award from MESS festival, 081 in New York, Slovenian award „Slavko Grum"and many other.