
Olga: Time will pass and we shall leave forever, We shall be forgotten, our faces, voice and How many of us there were... Masha: Listen to the music! We shall remain alone To start our life anew... Pogrebnichko gave the Chekhovian sisters their youth back. This was the first thing noted by Moscow critics. This is indeed a great and one would say a rare coincidence (it is a pity that it will not last long - five years or thereabouts?) Now the actresses, recent students in Yuri Pogrebnichko's workshop, graduates of the Shchukin School, are the peers of Chekhov's heroines or perhaps even a little younger... Yuri Pogrebnichko says that in this production he tried to say that "...man has learned about love somehow but he does not attain it, right, or is incapable of attaining it..."and the director is almost certain that "...man's drama is not that he does not love but that he is incapable to love and thus does not fulfil his mission..." Pogrebnichko speaks about love and remembers death. When the production opens, we see in the practically empty space an iron table on which a man lies, as if before the funeral service. This isTuzenbach, the baron. The actor will then "come back to life"and join the game, but shortly the baron's impassioned reflections about the"wonderful life which will inevitably come after many years"and that"now,asofthis moment, one needs to get ready for it"end in a dry sound of a single shot...