
Bitef i Jugoslovenska kinoteka / Bitef & Jugoslovenska kinoteka BITEF NA FILMU / BITEF ON FILM

20 - 22. septembar 2010. / 20 - 22 September 2010 Muzej Kinoteke, Kosovska 11 Urednica / Editor: Vera Konjović Prateća manifestadja Bitefa - Bitef na fiimu,osnovana je da bi gledaoce putem filmovanih predstava i filmova, igranih i dokumentarnih, dodatno upoznala s pozorištima, autorima, glumcima koji su gostovali na Festivalu. Za program su birani i kotnadi koji su smatrani vainim za razvoj stilova i tendencija koje je Bitef negovao. Obično bi tema Bitefa određivala i izbor priloga Bitefa na filmu, Kako ove godine Bitef nema slogan, izabrani filmovi nastali su po istim delima kao i predstave u glavnom programu. U moru filmova rađenih na temu Frankenštajn je i film poznatog britanskog pozorišnog i filmskog radnika Keneta Brane Meri Šeli: Frankenštajn, kojim se, kako naslov govori, vratio originalnom delu spisateljice Meri Šeli i kojijeizabran da bi pratio novu, pozorišnu verziju mađarskog reditelja Konrada Mundrucoja. Pjer Paolo Pazolini je bio prvi koji je svoj roman Teorema iskoristio kao materijal za drugi, filmski medij, a poljski reditelj Gžegož Jažina za pozorišni. Skoro sva delà A. P. Čehova su, s većim ili manjim uspehom, pretočena u film. Među njima izuzetno mesto pripada Ujka Vanji reditelja A. M. Končalovskog, koji je to delo čitao drugačije od Nemca Jirgena Goša. Bitef on film, accompanying Bitef, was founded to supplement the information about theatres, authors, actors participating in the festival by means of theatre productions adapted for film and films. Works considered important for the development of styles and tendencies fostered by Bitef were included, too. As a rule, the choice of films depended on the subject of Bitef. This year, there is no slogan, but the selected productions oriented the programme towards films based on the same theatre or literary works. In a sea of films inspired by Frankenstein, there is also the film by the well-known British theatre and film maker Kenneth Branagh: Mary Shelley: Frankenstein. As the title suggests, Branagh returned to the original book by Mary Shelley and we chose this film to accompany the new theatre version by the Hungarian director Kornél Mundruczô. Pier Paolo Pasolini was the first to use his novel Teorema as the material for another medium - film, and the Polish director Grzegorz Jarzyna adapted it for the theatre. Almost all works by A.P. Chekhov have been adapted for the film with greater or lesser success. Among them, an outstanding place belongs to Unde Vanya directed by A. Konchalovsky who read it differently from the German Jurgen Gosch.