

Izabellna soba je snažan komad, priča bez pouke, serenada u zoru, ljubavna pesma upućena ženi koja je, jedan za drugim, doživela najstrašnije užase u nizu: svetske ratove, logore, Hirošimu, glad u Africi, ultradesničarsku stranku Vlams 810 k... Izabela svakako zaslužuje to priznanje baš kao i glumica koja tumači njenu ulogu, ludi genije Vivijen de Mojnk.. Libération , 2004 Ovo izvođenje vas prati još dugo posle završetka, kao bêla senka koja vas sledi duž ulica, kroz noć. Reč je о Izabelinoj sobi Jana Lauersa, koja počinje I završava se pesmom We Just go on, pesmom koju nećete lako zaboraviti jer su oni koji su vam je otpevali to učinili sa osmehom, što je pokušaj da se malo neophodne lakoće u ono što dolazi posle kraja, s one strane smrti. U ovom slučaju radi se о smrti oca Jana Lauersa, koja je bila nadahnuće za Izabelinu sobu. Le Monde, 2004 PRESS ABOUT ISABELLA'S ROOM A reminder to announce the tour of the best show of the last year. Isabella's room, directed by Jan Lauwers. Viviane De Muynck - the greatest living actress - leads Lauwers' dancers and actors in a 'tragic musical comedy'. Ail the audience has to do, with its eyes shut, or rather wide open, is follow the Needcompany on this crazy journey halfway between a dream and childhood memories. Les Inrockuptibles, 2005 Isabella's room is an explosive piece, a story without moral, an aubade, a love song addressed to a woman who has seen a procession of the worst horrors - one after the other: the world wars, the camps, Hiroshima, the famine in Africa, the ultra-right wing Vlaams Blok party,... Isabella certainly deserves this homage, as much as the interpreter of her role, the mad genius Viviane De Muynck. Libération, 2004