

VIRGILIO SIENI choreographer and dancer, has been a protagonist on the Italian contemporary dance scene since the early 1980 s. Born in Florence, he trained in classical and contemporary dance in Amsterdam, New York and Tokyo, and also studied visual arts, architecture and martial arts. Choreographer of the homonymous company, Vi rgilio Sieni also oversees and realizes various types of artistic projects, from performances to visual arts installations to video productions. Since 2003, Sieni has directed the Florence-based CANGO Cantieri Goldonetta, a space he conceived and designed for body practices and experimentation in contemporary languages. In 2007 he founded the Academy of the Art of the Gesture, an innovative context geared towards the transmission of artistic practices and the definition of a new relationship between education and production, aimed at professionals and novices. FRANČESKO ĐIOMI, kompozitor i majstor zvuka, sarađivao je sa Lučianom Beriom i drugim značajnijim kompozitorima, muzičarima, koreografima i rediteljima, sa orkestrima i ansamblima u Italiji i inostranstvu. Predvodio je Tempo Reale, grupu za elektronsku muziku uživo, u pozorištima i na festivalima širom sveta. Dugo se bavi komponovanjem elektronske muzike. Sa Virđiliem Sijenijem sarađuje od 2001. godine, Od GRM u Parizu dobio je narudžbine za nova muzička delà 2003. i 2009, a 2007. pobedio je na Međunarodnoj tribini elektroakustične muzike u Lisabonu. Njegova delà se redovno izvode na festivalima i koncertima širom sveta, a njegovu muziku biraju i nagrađuju na italijanskim i stranim festivalima. Profesor je elektronske muzike na Muzičkom konzervatorijumu u Bolonji FRANCESKO GIOMI composer and sound projectionist, he has collaborated with Luciano Berio and other relevant composers, musicians, choreographers and directors besides orchestras and ensembles from Italy and abroad. He has lead the live electronics staff of Tempo Reale in theatres and festivals all over the world. He has been composing about computer music for many years; since 2001 he collaborates with choreographer Virgilio Sieni; in 2003 and 2009 he obtained commissions for new musical works from GRM of Paris, while in 2007 he won the International Rostrum of Electroacoustic Music held in Lisbon. His works are regularly performed all over the world in festivals and concerts while his music is selected for and awarded by Italian and foreign festivals. He is professor of the electronic music course at the Music Conservatory in Bologna. IZ KRITIKA: „Predstava nenametljive lepote,hipnotičkitananeiženstvene poezije...U kontrastu jasnihizamagljenih slika koreograf usitnjava stvarnost da bi je prepustio nesvesnom. U ekstatičnom savršenstvu u koje uranjamo, u svakom obliku odjekuje eho nasleđa predaka, upisanog u istoriju tela." II Sole 24ore, 2010. „Samo je genij Virđilija Sijenija mogao da od Tužnih tropa Kloda Levi-Strosa napravi predstavu... Osim inventivnosti, Sijeni genijalano drži konce stroge i napete režije. Pies razlaže harmoniju tela i linija, od krivudavih račjih koraka do arhaičnog ritualnog žrtvovanja. Čudesna rasveta obasjava nedefinisan