

MILAN MARKOVIČ je rođen 1978. godine u Beogradu. Njegove drame su izvođene u Srbiji i Engleskoj, scenski čitane u Srbiji, Bosni i Sloveniji i objavljene na slovenačkom,engleskom i nemačkom jeziku.Kao dramaturg je radio na predstavama u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Srbiji i Danskoj. Vodi i uređuje arhivski sajt posvećen promociji novog dramskog izraza www.nova-drama.org, član je uredništva časopisa „Seena" i poslednje četiri godine vodi program međunarodnih radionica na Sterijinom pozorju u Novom Sadu. TkH: TEORIJA KOJA HODA osnovana je, u Beogradu krajem 2000, kao istraživačkateorijsko-umetnička grupa. Od 2002. TkH platforma funkcioniše kao samostalna NVO: TkH-centar za teoriju i praksu izvođačkih umetnosti. Osnovna delatnost TkH platforme je podsticanje kritičkih i eksperimentalnih praksi / diskursa savremenih izvođačkih umetnosti u lokalnom kontekstu, kao i njihova promišljena afirmaeija u širem, regionalnom i internacionalnom okruženju. DelovanjeTkH platforme je teorijska praksa u polju savremenih izvođačkih umetnosti, koja se ostvaruje kroz tekstualnu produkeiju, samoogranizaeiju, kritičku edukaeiju i kulturnu politiku. TkH platforma aktivno sarađuje sa samoorganizovanim inicijativama,grupama,organizacijama i platformama iz Beograda (Druga scena), regiona (THe FaMa, Regionalna inieijativa Clubture), kao i sa nekoliko drugih evropskih platformi (PAF - PerformingArtsForum). MILAN MARKOVIĆ was born in Belgrade, 1978. His plays were produced in Serbia and England, presented on scenic readings in Serbia, Bosnia and Slovenia, and published on Slovenian, English and German language. He was working as a dramaturge on performances in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Denmark. He is a chief editor of a web site www.nova-drama.org dedicated to the promotion of new playwriting, and one of the editors of theatre magazine "Scena". In the last four years, he was leading a programme of international play development workshops, organised within the festival Sterijino pozorje in Novi Sad. TkH: WALKING THEORY was founded a group for theoretical and artistic research at the end of 2000 in Belgrade. Since 2002 TkH platform operates as an independent organization: TkH-center for performing arts theory and practice. The main objective of the TkH platform is to reinforce the critical and experimental practices / discourses in contemporary performing arts in the local context, as well as to affirm them in a wider, regional and international context. TkH's activities are a theoretical praxis in the field of contemporary performing arts, implemented through textual production, selforganization, critical education and cultural policy. They are realized through several programs; TkH Journal for performing arts theory, educational programs (PATS,s-o-s project, dramaturgical trainings, Knowledge Smuggling!, Deschooling Classroom), a regional online platform (tkh-generator.net), programs dedicated to a critical reflection of the local scene (Forum forthe Performing Arts Criticism, Walking Critique), artistic (Pro Tools) and theoretical events (conferences, labs), inter-disciplinary performances and other artworks, as well as hosting presentations and lectures by artists and theoreticians outside of Serbia. In addition to its specific, more theoretical and artistic interests, TkH has been active in the field of cultural policy. It engages in collaboration with self-organized initiatives, organizations, and platforms from Belgrade (the Other Scene), the region of Western Balkans (THe FaMa, Clubture), as well as with a few other platforms from Europe (a.o. PAF).