
STANICA je prva i jedina organizacija koju su osnovali svi akteri savremene plesne scene, s ciljem da tu scenu u Srbiji ojačaju, strukturišu i učine prepoznatljivom na lokalnom i internacionalnom nivou. Stanica je neselektivna i celokupna plesna scena, raspolaže njenim kapacitetima, potencijalima i resursima.Stanicajejedan od inicijatora Balkanske plesne mreže, zajedno sa partnerima iz Ljubljane, Zagreba, Skoplja, Sofije. Posebna pažnja Stanice usmerena je na intermedijalne projekte. STATION is service for contemporary dance community in Serbia aiming to make that community is straighted, structured and recognised by cultural policy makers, state institutions, cultural operators, educational policy makers, Balkan and European partners, funding bodies, as well as by broader audience. Station is not selective, it serves and includes ail active contemporary dance companies and individuals currently existing on the scene. Stanica is co-founder and member of Balkan Dance Network, together with partners from Ljubljana, Zagreb, Skopje and Sofia. Stanica is specially focused on intermedial projects.