
PRIVLAČNA FATALNOST: SUBJEKT I TRAGEDIJA Kristof Jacek Kozak Prevela; Roksanda Njeguš Ova studija о prisutnosti tragedijskog subjekta u savremenoj dramskoj književnosti doista je izuzetna, јег porice danas dominantnu percepciju tragedije kao stvari proslosti. Vedna savremenih posmatraca sklona je da sled! mišljenje Fridriha Direnmata, koji kaže da je nestankom tragicnog junaka postalo nemoguće pisati tragedije. Uprkos zdravom razumu, koji služi kao oslonac toj tezi, može joj se suprotstaviti argument da su prisutnost 111 odsutnost tragedije, ili tragičke svesti zavisni - bar do odredene mere - od definicije tragičkog elementa. Upravo taj argument podnosi Kristof Jacek Kozak u svojoj studiji. BEKET Priredio: Predrag Todorovic Beket pripada plejadi irskih pisaca koja je zablistala na književnom nebu Evrope. Uz Svifta, Sterna, Jejtsa, Vajlda i Džojsa, postao je nezaobilazan и svim relevantnim antologijama književnosti, a njegova prozna i dramska delà obeležila su XX vek. Ova svojevrsna hrestomatija sabira tekstove posvećene različitim aspektima Beketovog stvaralaštva, proistekle iz pera najeminentnijih beketologa. Osim tekstova о odnosu Beketa i tradicije, njegovim proznim i dramskim ostvarenjima I delima pisanim za radio i film, hrestomatiju cine i izuzetno retki intervjui s Beketom, Manifest vertikalizma, Beketova biografija i hronologija stvaralastva, kao I izabrana bibliografija. Obiman zbornik koji sadrži 30 studija, jedna je od najpotpunijih i nasveobuhvatnijih knjiga о irskom književniku Semjuelu Beketu. Priređivač Predrag Todorovic se već četvrt veka bavi umetničkim opusom Semjuela Beketa a ovaj zbornik, koji obuhvata studije najboljih znalaca Beketovog delà, rezultat je toga rada.

ATTRACTIVE FATALITY; SUBJECT AND TRAGEDY Krzysztof Jacek Kozak Translated by: Roksanda Njeguš This study about the presence of tragic subject In contemporary dramatic literature is a really exceptional one as it denies the nowadays dominant opinion that tragedy is a thing of the past. Most of contemporary observers are prone to agree with Friedrich Dürrenmatt who claims that the disappearance of tragic hero has made writing tragedies impossible. Despite the fact that the thesis is supported by common sense, it can be confronted with an argument that absence or presence of tragedy depend on - up to a certain point, at least - the definition of tragic element. That is the very argument Krzysztof Jacek Kozak puts forward in his study. BECKETT Editor: Predrag Todorović Beckett belongs to a group of Irish writers whose work was widely recognized in the European literary circles. Along with Swift, Stern, Yates, Wilde and Joyce, he is inevitably included in all-the relevant anthologies of literature, while his prose and drama works have marked XX century. This exceptional collection gathers texts on various aspects of Beckett's work, by the most prominent Becket scholars. Besides texts about Beckett's attitude towards tradition, his prose and drama works, and his works written of radio and film, the collection includes very rare interviews with Beckett, Vertical Manifesto, Beckett's biography and chronology of his work, as well as a selected bibliography. This ample collection of 30 studies is one of the most comprehensive books on Irish author Samuel Beckett. To the editor. Predrag Todorovic, Beckett's work has been the main focus point for 25 years and this collection, which involves studies written by the most prominent experts on Beckett's work, is the result of that work. The visitors will be addressed by: Krzysztof Jacek Kozak, Predrag Todorovic, Gojko Tešić and Jovan Ćirilov