
Ova predstava analizira precutano и procesu odrastanja i porodičnim odnosima osmoro mladih ljudi koji su rođeni u istoj državi, a danas na istoj toj teritoriji žive u tri razlicite. Preko njih uviđamo koliko su društvene i političke okolnosti na ovim prostorima uticale, menjale, razorile ili očuvale porodice. Mlada, nagrađivana rediteljka i glumci, rođeni u periodu od 1976. do 1986. godine, zasigurno neće ostaviti publiku ravnodušnom.

The performance analyses the unsaid in the process of growing up and family relations of eight young people who were born in the same country and who today, though inhabiting the same territory, live in three different states. Their stories make us realize the dramatic impact that social and political circumstances of this region had on families that lived in it. The young directress who has already been rewarded for her work and the actors born between 1976 and 1986 will, most definitely, leave no one indifferent

• Hartefakt fond i / and Bitef teatar Beograd, Srbija / Belgrade, Serbia HIPERMNEZIJA / HYPERMNESIA Režija / Directed by; Selma Spahić Igraju / Performed by. Ermin Bravo; Jelena Ćuruvija-Đurica; Maja Izetbegovic; Tamara Krcunović; Damir Kustura; Sanin Milavić; Milica Stefanović; Alban Ukaj. Produkcija / Production: Andrej Nosov Izvršna produkcija / Executive Production: Milica Milić Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy; Nataša Govedarica, Filip Vujošević Scenografija, kostimografija / Set Design, Costumes: Sanja Džeba Saradnica na kostimu i scenografiji / Costumes and Set design Assistant: Emina Kujundžić Scenski pokret / Stage movement; Dalija Adn Muzika / Music: Draško Adžić Korepeticija / Repetiteur; Milena Moravčević Dizajn svetla / Light design; Milan Tvrdišić VJ: Goran Balaban Asistenti produkcije / Production Assistants: Admit Cvrčanin, Kristijan Šujević Majstor svetla / Light technician: Radovan Samolov Majstor tona / Sound technician: Miroljub Vladić Inspicijent / Stage Manager: Maja Jovanović Fotografija / Photography: Mihajlo Savić, Dženat Dreković Prevod na engleski i adaptacija / English translation and adaptation: Vuk Tošić