Bitef i Bitef teatar Beograd, Srbija
Koncept i koreografija:
Snježana Abramović Milković
15. September, 20:00 Atelje 212 Trajanje: 65'
Bitef and Bitef Theatre Belgrade, Serbia
Concept and choreography:
Snježana Abramović Milković
September 15 th , 20:00 Atelier 212 Duration: 65'
„Srce joj je bilo ispunjeno, osjetila ostra, ali je osjećala kao da će joj glava svaki cas eksplodirati u vakumu njezine usamljenosti." Džnatan Frenzen, Korekdje
Svijet u kojem živimo, život kojeg živimo ponekad sliči borbi za opstanak unutar balona prepunog zaglušujućih zvukova. Buka koju stvaramo sami, nastoji nadglasati buku svih ljudi oko nas i ostatka svijeta. A svijet je sačinjen od niza slika; onih koje nastaju bez posrednika, vlastitim iskustvom i onih posredovanih razlicitim medijima. U takvom, klaustrofobičnom i stresnom okruženju ljudsko biće temeljno je osamljeno, osuđeno na senzacije izvana, zaglušeno njima i u nemogucnosti da ostvari ono za čim po svojoj biti neprestano čezne; odnos s drugim ljudskim bićem ispunjen ljubaviju i razumijevanjem. Virtualno u stvaranju odnosa zamjenjuje stvarno. Sjedimo pred suceljem kompjutora i dopisujemo se s nekim кода smo negdje, nekada, davno upoznali. Hi да uopće ne poznajemo. i taj, virtuelni odnos и kojem je svatko upravo onakav kakvim se želi predstaviti, zamjenjuje pravi a mi postajemo vlastiti avatari. Ono što želimo biti, niječući i bježeći od onoga što jesmo. I tako, sve smo osamljeniji u bučnom svijetu medija, jer nemamo nikog stvarnog da nas dotakne kad nam je teško. Nemamo čak ni sami sebe jer smo zaboravili osluškivati tišinu u nama, a zaboravivši osluškivati vlastitu tišinu, izgubili smo misli i osjećaje, poeziju stvarnosti koja se oblikuje u čistoći unutarnje tišine. Trenutak
'Her heart was full, senses sharp, but she felt as her head migh explode any minute In the vacuum ot her loneliness' Jonathan Franzen, The Corrections
The world we live in, the life we live, at times looks like the struggle for survival within a balloon full of deafening sounds. The noise we create tries to overpower the noise of all the people around us and the rest of the world. And the world is made of a series of images, those which come about without mediators, through one's own experience, and those mediated by various media. In that claustrophobic and stressful environment the human being is lonely, doomed to external sensations, deafened by them and unable to achieve what he constantly yearns for; a relationship with another human being, full of love and understanding. In the establishment of relationships the virtual substitutes for the real. We sit in front of the computer monitor and correspond with somebody we met somewhere, some time, a long time ago. Or we do not know him at all. And this virtual relationship in which everybody is as he wants to be seen, replaces the real relationship and we become the avatars of ourselves. What we want to be, denying and fleeing from what we are. And thus, we are ever lonelier in the noisy world of the media because there is nobody real to touch us when we have a bad moment. We do not have even ourselves because we have forgotten to listen to the silence within us, and having forgotten to listen to our own silence,