Битеф, 01. 01. 2011., стр. 5
Osnovan 1967. godine, na inicijativu Mire Trailovic i Jovana Ćirilova, BITEF (Beogradski internacionalni teatarski festival) je neprekidno pratio i podržavao najnovije pozorišne tendencije. Rastud i razvijajud se, postajao je jedan od najvedh i najvažnijih evropskih festivala. Vile od cetiri decenije svog postojanja Bitef prevazilazi sve političke i kulturne barijere i uspešno ide u korak sa burnom evolucijom pozorilne umetnosti. Zbog toga istoriju Bitefa možemo nazvati istorijom savremenog teatra. Bitef je jedan od retkih festivala koji obuhvataju kako eksperimentalne, tako i tradicionalne forme. Revolucionarnih šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina, gledaoci su imali priliku da vide neke od najhrabrijih scenskih eksperimenata koji su vodili ka razaranju dramske forme, ali takođe i značajna klasična ostvarenja, kao i predstave tradidonalnog orijentalnog teatra. Tokom osamdesetih i devedesetih, Bitef je predstavio najvile domete postmodernog teatra i plesa. Čak i u vreme političko-ekonomske krize i embarga, Bitef je uspevao da promovile najvile kulturne vrednosti i dovede u Beograd neka od najvedh imena svetske izvođačke scene. Ü prvoj deceniji XX veka Bitef prikazuje nova i inovativna dostignuća svetskog mejnstrima, predstave postdramskog i neverbalnog scenskog izraza, kao i one realizovane uz pomoć novih tehnologija, otvorivli tako vrata virtuelnoj stvarnosti sajber teatra. Tokom svih ovih godina, Bitef je sačuvao svoje mesto и рогоdid najznačajnijih svetskih festivala. Za kontinuitet i kvalitet njegovih nastojanja, Evropska fondacija „Premio Europa per il Teatro" je 1999. godine Bitefu urudla Specijalnu nagradu Osnovni cilj Bitefa je da predstavi najznačajnije autore, produkcije i fenomene savremene izvođačke scene. Na taj nadn Bitef inicira i promovile razlidte pristupe teatru, liri granice kulturnih identiteta i kreira mapu profesionalnih kontakata. Bitef, takođe, podstiče razvoj srpske scene izvođačkih umetnosti i doprinosi njenoj potpunijoj afirmaciji u evropskom, kao i lirem medunarodnom kontekstu. Osnivač i Bitefa je Skupltina grada Beograda, a produkcijom i organizacijom festivala bavi se Bitef teatar, pozorilte osnovano 1989. godine, s ciljem da otkriva i podržava nove pozorilne tendencije u lokalnom kontekstu. Umesto opiirnog izlaganja istorije Bitefa, dovoljno je samo nabrojati imena umetnika koji su u protekle 44 godine, predstavili svoj rad na ovom festivalu.
Founded in 1967, through the initiative of Mira Trailovic of Jovan Cirilov, Bitef (Belgrade International Theater Festival) has continually followed and supported the latest theatre trends, becoming thus one of the biggest and the most important European festivals. Transcending all political and cultural borders, Bitef has in more than four decades managed to keep its pace with a tumultuous evolution of performing arts. Therefore, the history of Bitef could be identified as a history of contemporary theatre. Through the revolutionary Sixties and Seventies, Bitef spectators could see some of the most courageous stage experiments pursuing the destruction of dramatic forms, but also some significant classical achievements, as well as the examples of the traditional Oriental theatre, in the Eighties and Nineties, Bitef presented highest reaches of the post-modern theatre and dance. Even in the conditions of political-economic crisis and embargo the festival succeeded to promote the ultimate cultural values, bringing to Belgrade some of the biggest names of the world performance. In the first decade of the 21st century, Bitef presents the original and innovative productions of the world mainstream theatre, the performances of post-dramatic, non verbal expression, as well as those realised with the help of new technologies, thus opening its doors to the virtual reality of cyber theatre. in the course of all these years, Bitef has preserved its place in the family of major international festivals. For its continuity and quality Bitef was awarded the Special Prize for 1999. by "Premio Europa per ilTeatro". The chief purpose of the festival is to present the authors, productions and trends that are the most important phenomena in modern performing arts. In doing so, Bitef initiates and promotes a different approach to theater, expands the boundaries of cultural identities and creates a map of professional contacts. It also enriches and encourages the new Serbian theater scene, contributing towards its greater recognition in the European and broader international context. The Bitef was founded by the Belgrade City Flail, whereas Bitef theatre is in charge of the production and organization. The theatre was founded in 1989, with the chief purpose of discovering and supporting new theatre tendencies in the local context. Instead of explaining the history of Bitef at great length, it will suffice to list the names of the artists who had presented their work on this festival, in the past 44 years.