
ANGELICA LIDDELL born in in 1966 in Spain, is both: a playwright and a theatre director. She is known internationally for her work with the theatre company Atra Bilis, founded with Gumersindo Puche in 1993. She has written over 20 plays, shown all around the world, notably at the Festival de Otorio in Madrid, the Wiener Festwochen, the Avignon Festival, the Berliner Festpiele, the Venice Biennale, the Tempo Festival in Brasil She is the recipient of a great number of Prizes, such as the Premio Valle Inclan de Teatro, the Premio Nacional de Literatura Dramatics in 2012 and was nominated for the 2007 Premio Lope de Vega for her play Belgrade.

JULIEN FIŠERA was born in 1978 Founder in 2004 of the Espace Common Theatre Company, he is based in Paris. He has studied directing in England (Royal Holloway University of London), in Austin (University of Texas), and has completed a Master of Arts Degree at the Sorbonne University in Paris. As a stage director Fisera has presented his work in France, Mexico, Brazil and also Morocco. Specializing in pieces by living playwrights, he has often put on plays for the very time, such as Angelica Liddell’s Belgrade. His work as a director is text-based but also multidisciplinary, challenging the stage in a great number of ways.



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