
ff In the production, and in Kiss opus (especially the so-called family cycle) the space of childhood predominate; the space in which the author’s life and literary illusion inextricably intertwine and interact and which had a decisive influence on his formation as a writer. The production therefore unfolds in a strange, dreamlike, indefinite space of a child’s perspective in which Kiš’s metaphysical obsessions interlace with historical, documented reconstruction. As “in the childhood there is a powerful common denominator for all people”, the production is an interesting and worthy attempt to find the fundamental elements determining equally Kiš’s biography and his literary opus and the modern existence. Maja Mrđenović, Pobjeda

ff A production outside and above any cliche, a nice incident which should find its echo far away from its home, if anyone still cares about anything and if we have not all been enveloped by Holy Indifference. Teofil Pančić, Vreme


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