
Coordination: Nataša Mihoci Executive Production: Iva Milley, Nataša Mihoci Production Assistants: Hana Grgić, Petra Milojkovic Public Relations: Nataša Mihoci Public Relations Support: Ana Mikin Project Financed by: City office for education, culture and sport, City office for social protection and people with disabilities, Ministry of culture of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian audiovisualn centre, Open society institute, Foundation „Zajednicki put" Project Partners: Zagreb centre for independent culture and youth - Pogon, Concert hall of Vatroslav Lisinski, International centre for service in culture - Travno, Youth centre Ribnjak, Culture centre Trešnjevka, Zagreb youth theatre Media coverage: Večernji list, Radio Sljeme, tportal, net.hr Project manager: Borut Šeparović Production: MONTAFKSTROJ In memoriam Marijan Frković (1946 - 2013)

The Project 55+ is a part of the long-term mission of Montažstroj to show that art needs to assume the responsibility for the community in which it is created. In their projects Montažstroj tackles the most vulnerable social groups, not only thematically, but rather by involving them actively in its work as equitable co-creators of the artistic action. After the homeless and the abandoned dogs, job-seeking women and the young population, Montažstroj has given a voice to citizens over 55 years of age in the organisationally most complex project it has ever undertaken. During the seconds fleeing away forever, those who have lived 30 million or more minutes so far, invite you to hear what they have to say.

11 These people, whom Montažstroj took out of their homes in its 55+ project, brought them together and introduced to us, the audience made of generations of their children and grandchildren were trodden down by all imaginable trials and tribulations. During those minutes we saw tears and laughter, dancing, singing, imaginary flight on one foot with widespread arms, stories of boozers and bookies, and also testimonies of people whose life has been marked by their resistance to various forms of violence. And the session started when a microphone collected in passing their thoughts about death. "Death is quite natural and ordinary, but only if it’s not me and not right now”, one of them said. Branimir Pofuk, Večernjilist

11 Of late, Borut Šeparović has turned Montažstroj into a theatre of the downtrodden. It is indeed a paraphrase of the theatre of the oppressed developed by the Brazilian artist Augusto Boat, theoretically in the Fifties and practically in the Sixties. Boat developed several techniques of this theatre which rests on the participation of spectators who speak about their existence and social status spontaneously during the performance (...) Šeparović expanded Boat's idea by conceiving a specific theatre within the theatre. Namely, in his case, the spectators are not directly included in the action; instead they witness the demonstration of this procedure on the stage where naturshchiks interrupt the “professional” performance by telling the stories of their own life. Tomislav Čadež, Jutarnji list


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