
28™ 09.

At the XII international Antique Drama Festival STOBI, Macedonia, the performance received the best performance award and the best directing award.


Women In Parliament is an attempt at communication/dialogue between this Aristophanes’ comedy and the current state of mind (and body) in Serbia today and in part also in Serbia yesterday (generally speaking, Serbia in the recent past) through toying with different theatre forms/genres. The production is a collage of different theatre procedures which, fused together, represent the schizophrenic socio-political daily life in Serbia, which we all experience personally today in the 21st century. With the help of Aristophanes’ extraordinarily witty and topical text, the team involved in the production has tried to use a bitter joke to confront the mental and ideological absurdity in the country we still live in.



Original title: Ecdesiazusae Direction and Lighting Design; Nikola Zavišić Dramaturgist and First Director’s Assistant: Maja Pelević Set Design: Marija Kalabić Costume Design: Maja Mirković Costume Designer’s Assistant: Anastazija Mezei Movement: Damir Todorović Movement Assistant: Luka Mihovilović Composer and Musician: Milan Vejnović Performers; Praxagora- Tatjana Mateša; First woman- Suzana Vuković; Second woman- Jelena Mihajlović Third woman- Sanja Moravčić; Elderly woman- Veroslava Janković; Second elderly woman- Snežana Jakšić; Chorus leader- Vesna KLjajić Ristović; ServantJelena Mihajlović; Blepyrus- Zoran Bučevac; Neighbour- Luka Mihovilović; Chremes, First citizen - Vladimir Grbić; Second citizen- Luka Mihovilović; Festival director- Vesna Josipovna Suvorova Photography: Kovacs Attila English Translation: Olivera Georgijevski Production: National Theater Subotica, Drama in Serbian



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