
47 BITEF 13


HARD TO BE 7 / 77

For all of half a century Bitef has regularly looked for a title to encompass the subject or even the main thread of the productions to be presented in the forthcoming autumn. This generalisation never narrowed down the choice to the extent which would exclude an important production from the final selection because it “did not fit the subject". This year, the subtitle Hard to Be is the abbreviated titleof the Hungarian production It Is Hard to Be God. Thus the subject' is reduced in addition to the currenl trials and tribulations affecting the ivorld at large and our country immersed in a general crisis, but primarily the economic one - to one of the philosophical problems such as being, to be. existence. Theatre, like any other art, but especially since.one of its elements is word, touches on ,«*, philosophy. Selecting productions for Bitef * has always been prompted by the needto'say something fundamental about life and art by theatrical means. And sometimes it is hard both to be and to be theatre. Jovan Ćirilov Art director and curator