
★ The play depicts a group of classmates - Poles and Jews, whose story begins in.the third decade of the 20th century, when their calm and care-free life is shattered by superstitions of anti-Semitism. After the break of the war the town is invaded by Soviets, later - by Nazis. The people react differently - most Poles choose to retreat to underground, however, some of them collaborate with NKVD or with Nazis. The Jews greet the Russians with relief, thus when the Nazis take over, most of the Jews are brutally murdered. Their former classmates take part in the murder, rape, torture and robbery, only few of them choose to help the Jews. After the war. some of the survivors of the massacre join the secret police, gaining an opportunity to take revenge on their former torturers. In the end, all the classmates, scattered through Poland, America or Israel, are trying to accept the reality.


48 Bitef 14

Main programme