
★ This Grave’s Too Small for Me is a drama about the Sarajevo assassination and what it meant generally and personally. The focus is on the importance of the struggle for freedom, revolutions youth... The author defends polit ical ideas and actions of Young Bosnia and presents Gavrilo Prin cip as a victim. The director saw this piece as an opportunity to explore how the turning point in the history of the mankind works on stage by offering a modern perspective of the Balkan Fate tying us to graves and memories and making us examine, over and over again, the situation of national duty and the need to oppose the reality.

“Princip himself was used; he is neither a terrorist nor a hero; he is actually the last victim of his revolution, I recognise myself in Young Bosnia; above all, in its political ideas and the urge for activism, I recognise myself in the naivety and that noble young spirit. Not because 1 am also young but because I feel immature. I still believe that a secret tamboura band and clandestine school societies can change the world; this is what links me to those naive young men and women.” Biljana Srbljanović


Main programme

48 Bitef 14