
27 th SEPTEMBER, 17.00 First Economics School (5-7 Cetinjska) Center E 8 and Bitef Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia ★GERMANY Poor man's ball accompanied by a cultural and educational programme Duration: 120' (including the discussion with authors) Concept, text and direction: Vojislav Arsić, Milena Bogavac and Ivan Stojiijković Co-authors and performers; Nadica Ajredinović, Edison Bajramovič, Denis Durić, Đorđe Jašarević, Milica Mladenovič, Aleksandra Stojanovič Poster design and video art: Ivan Stojiljkovič, Marina Perovič Organisation: Bojana Stojkovič Public relations: Marina Ugrinič Vocal arrangements: Bojana Vunturiševič Germany, an interactive production, addresses problems of young people in Southern Serbia. Regardless of their ethnicity and different living conditions they all share the idea that they will a have a better future only if they emigrate from the country of their birth. In view of the fact that the Serbian citizens submit the largest number of applications for asylum in Germany, the production aims to show why so many young people in our country feel undesired or discontented. It addresses in particular the subject of “fake asylum-seekers” and asks whether they can be divided into fake and true applicants. Integration, discrimination and migration of Roma prompt this production to ask why is Serbia a country that young people want to leave? What needs to be done to make Serbia look like Germany? To flee to Germany or learn from Germany? To be an alien or to feel like that in your own town?

The production is the result of experiments, a workshop process, when the young participants talk about their personal experiences, thoughts and vision of the future. Due to the fact that the discrimination against the Roma begins in the educational system, the production is performed in a school. Its audience are pupils' of different ages wishing to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about integration, discrimination and migrations of the Roma population. The production was realised within the Anti-Discrimination campaign aimed at young Roma and non-Roma population in the south of Serbia. Donor: Caritas Luxembourg


Bitef polyphony

48 Bitef 14