
19. SEPTEMBAR, 19:00



SMRTIVANA ILIČA u Janežičevoj režiji je, kako i piše u podnaslovu predstave, „kolektivno dtanje" poznate Tolstojeve novele. Ova forma scenskog izvodenja je i bukvalno kolektivni dn u kojem publika, zajedno s glumcima, participira u radnji na nekoliko nadna, otvarajud prostore za nova značenja. U jednom času glumci pozivaju gledaoce da svojim susedima u sali glasno dtaju pasuse pripovetke da bi se prisetili vremena kada su i sami bili slušaoci tuđih čitanja, ili je njih neko slušao kako dtaju. Tekst novele je sve vreme emitovan i preko video-bima, pa će gledaoci i slušati glumce (ili svoje susede), ali će modi i da ga dtaju. Tako dtanje kao forma komuniciranja postaje deo teatarskog izraza, ali i oblik preispitivanja ličnog razumevanja prodtanog sadržaja. Jer dtanje (glasno ili u sebi) predstavlja posebnu vrstu aktivnosti, ono uključuje gledaoca u radnju, omogućava mu da neposrednije doživi intimnu dramu Ivana Mica, te postaje elemenat oneobičavanja u smisiu ruskog formalizma, ali i brehtovskog postupka uspostavljanja distance. Uprkos naslovu koji nas navodi na temu smrti, priča otvara pitanje života - kako živeti u skladu sa sobom i šta daje smisao našim životima. Predstava pokušava dotaknuti ovo veliko pitanje na najjednostavniji mogud nadn, bez nepotrebnih pozorišnih dodataka, sa dstim prisustvom aktera na pozornici. Katja begin, dramaturškinja Predstava pokušava da sa najelementarnijim pozorišnim sredstvima podstiče zamišljanje gledalaca i kroz razlidte vrste glumačkog prisustva otvori pitanje ljudskih odnosa, odnosa u kojima se nalazimo i u zajedničkom procesu predstave - kolektivnom dtanju, okupljeni oko Tolstojeve price. U pitanju je umetnički laboratorijski rad, u kojem su stvaraoci istraživali osnovne elemente pozorišne komunikacije, glumačkog procesa/prisustva/ekspresivnosti i kreativnih potencijala pojedinca i grupe, ovog puta u dijalogu sa Tolstojevom pripovetkom Smrt Ivana Hjiča. Pitanje šta i zašto ima smisla stvarati u pozorištu, ponovilo se kao najznačajnije.

19 th SEPTEMBER, 19:00



As the subtitle of the production says. The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a "collective reading” of the well-known Tolstoy’s novella. This form of stage performance is literally a collective act in which the spectators, together with actors, participate in the action in several ways thus creating space for new meanings. At some point the actors invite the spectators to read aloud to their neighbours paragraphs of the novella in order to remember those times when they listened to other people’s reading or when somebody listen to them reading. The text of the story is projected by the video beam so that the spectators can both listen to the actors (or their neighbours) and be able to read it. In this way reading as a form of communication becomes a part of theatre expression as well as a form of re-examination of one’s personal comprehension of the read contents. Namely, reading (aloud or to oneself) is a special form of activity, it includes the spectator into action, enables him to experience Ivan Ilyich’s drama more directly and become an element of distancing in the sense of Russian formalism and Brechtian procedure of establishing distance. Regardless of the title intimating death, the story is about life: how to live in harmony with oneself and what gives a purpose to our lives. The production tries to address this vital question in the simplest way possible, without unnecessary theatre accessories, only with the presence of actors on the stage. Katja begin, dramaturge The production endeavours to use the most elementary theatre resources to encourage spectators’ imagination and raise through different forms of actors’ presence the question about human relations, the relations we find ourselves in during the joint performance: the collective reading, all brought together by Tolstoy’s story. This is an artistic laboratory effort in which the authors studied basic elements of theatre communication, acting process/presence/ expressiveness and the creative potential of individuals and groups - this time in a dialogue with Tolstoy’s story The Death of Ivan Ilyich. The question what and why it makes sense to create in the theatre has again appeared as the most important.