
Tako da još uvek, uprkos svojoj, za strukturu teorijskog polja u kojem teorije relativno brzo smenjuju jedna drugu (sa izuzetkom filozofije, koja, kako kaže Althusser za ideologiju, nema istorije i svi klasici su stalno jednako aktuelni), neobičnoj i već poštovanja dostojnoj starosti, predstavlja osnovnu referentnu tačku savremenog teorijskog antikapitalizma. [...] „For good and for worse", jer, da zlobno parafraziram prvu rečenicu Deleuzovih i Guattarijevih Postu/ata lingvistike, marksizam je napravio i mnogo štete: - često je rezultirao u tehnološkom optimizmu „razvoja proizvodnih snaga" i iz toga proizlazećim katastrofalnim političkim greškama; - ill u eurocentričnom i mačističkom kultu belog muškog industrijskog radnika, koji je sprečavao i kočio produktivnu sintezu antikolonijalističkih i feminističkih teorija sa osnovnom marksističkom teorijom (još danas su marksistički skupovi često „sausage party" starijih belih bradatih profesora); - u opsesivnom proveravanju odgovaranja novijih teorija kanonskim tekstovima (umesto predmetu istraživanja i teorijskoj konzistenciji, iako ona možda odmiče od radova klasika), zbog čega je marksizam u mnogim slučajevima delovao arhaično i hermeticno; - i u sklonosti sektašenju i beskonačnim i napornim polemikama oko minijaturnih tehničkih teorijskih detaija, koje su redistribute (i još uvek redistribute vreme i energiju od kritičke analize kapitalizma i borbe protiv buržoaskih ideologija ka sitničavim prepirkama i spletkarenju unutar marksističkih krugova, [...] Primož Krašovec, Novosti, samostalni srpski tjednik 2

does not have an adequate theoretical successor, in terms of ("left-wing) political commitment in the field of theory and critique of capitalism. Therefore, in spite of its unusual and respectable oldness, which can be seen as such in terms of the structure where theories relatively quickly replace one another (with an exception of Philosophy which, as Althusser said for ideology, does not have history and whose classics are all constantly equally relevant), it represents the main benchmark in contemporary theoretical anti-capitalism. [...] "For good and for worse” because, if I am to maliciously paraphrase the first sentence in Deleuze and Guattarie’s Postulates of Linguistics, Marxism has also caused a lot of damage: - It has often resulted in technological optimism of "the development of productive forces” and thus ensuing catastrophic political mistakes; - Or in a Eurocentric and machoistic cult of white male industrial worker who used to prevent and impede productive synthesis of anti-colonial and feministic theories with the main Marxist theory (Marxist gatherings are still often “sausage parties” of elderly grey-bearded professors); - In its obsessive testing of the new theories through recognized texts (instead of testing them according to their topics of research and theoretical consistence, even if it moves away from the works of classic), which is why Marxism often seemed archaic and hermetic; - In its tendency for sectarianism and its endless exhausting debates about miniature technical theoretical details which have been redistributing time and energy from the critical analysis of capitalism and the struggle against bourgeois ideologies in favour of petty quarrels and plotting within Marxist circles. [...] Primož Krašovec, Novosti, Independent Serbian Weekly 1




2 Za ovu priliku, autor eseja dopisao je Post Scriptum a duža verzija eseja, može se pročitati na zvaničnom blogu 49. Bitefa 15

2 Especially for this occasion, the author of the essay has added a Post Scriptum. The entire essay can be found at 49 Bitef 15 official