
„Ovo dete Pirineja poziva slušaoce na intimnu priču, a pritom koristi samo svoj moćan glas. Predstavu počinje tako što on peva svakojake pop pesme i tradicionalne narodne pesme: mnogo Madone, ali i Francisa Cabrela, raskalašne pesme... Zatim počinje drugi glas koji više govori, podražava razgovore i situacije sa dragim osobama. Tako Jonathan dočarava vlastitu maglovitu autobiografiju. A zbog nagle metamorfoze na pozornici, predstava deluje nedovršeno, granica izmedu identiteta i fantazije je zamućena... Gledaoca apsolutno hipnotiše ovaj živi dokumentarac, ova usmena priča u kojoj glas naznačuje granice intime." Julien Bachellerie, La Montagne

with Guillaume Marie We are accidents waiting to happen in the Palais de Tokyo. In August 2007, he presented for the first time the performance-show Jonathan Covering during the Festival Tanz im August in Berlin, starting point of his first solo creation Adishatz/Adieu (2009). Jonathan Capdevielle created his new performance. Saga in february 2015 at Parvis, scène nationale de Tardes. "This child of the Pyrenees invites listeners to an intimate tale using nothing more than his powerful voice. He starts off his show singing all sorts of pop songs and traditional chansons populaires; a lot of Madonna, but also Francis Cabrel, bawdy songs... Then another voice, more spoken, is used to imitate conversations and situations with loved ones. This is how Jonathan conjures up his own hazy autobiography. And, through an abrupt metamorphosis on stage, the performance feels unfinished, where the border between identity and fantasy is blurred.... The spectator is ultimately mesmerized by this live documentary, this oral tale where a voice sketches out the limits of intimacy. “ Julien Bachellerie, La Montagne