
23. SEPTEMBAR, 20:00



Jugoslavia - zemlja koje više nema. Nestala u ratovima među braćom 1990-ih. Po drugi put od 1914. Sarajevo je bilo središte naizgled beskrajnog sukoba koji se nastavlja i u sadašnjosti. Mnogi su izbegli u Berlin u bekstvu, u potrazi za poslom i drugim životom. Kako ti Berlinci danas doživljavaju ove sukobe? Ovde deca žrtava ratnih zločina žive pored dece podnilaca. Kakva je interakcija medu njima? Common ground je naša zajednička supstanca, temelj na kojem stojimo. Jael Ronen u svom projektu okuplja izvođače koji su u Berlin stigli iz Beograda i Sarajeva, Novog Sada i Prijedora. Šta je njihov common ground? Šta je njihova tačka dodira? Komad je razrađen kolektivno na osnovu puta u Bosnu i susreta sa stručnjacima i članovima porodica protagonista. Pozorište postaje bezbedan prostor za raspravu o terminima kao što su krivica i iskupljenje, oproštaj i zaborav, dok se stereotipi, predrasude i suprotstavljene price veselo sudaraju. Nagrade: Poziv na Berlin Theatertreffen 2015. Nagrada publike na Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis 2015. JAEL RONEN je stalna rediteljka u pozorištu Gorki. Rodena je u Jerusalimu 1976. Potiče iz pozorišne porodice i na medunarodnom planu je smatraju jednom od najuzbudljivijih pozorišnih autorki njene generacije. Njeno najveće crude je crni humor u okviru istorijskih sukoba. Ronenin komad Treća generacija, sa nemačkim, izraelskim i palestinskim glumcima, pozivan je na mnoge festivale. Jedna njena druga predstava, Hakoah Wien u Schauspielhaus Graz, dobila je austrijsku Nestrojevu nagradu 2013. godine. Ronen je režirala i adaptadju romana Olge Grjasnove Svi Rusi vole breze (svetska premijera).

SEPTEMBER 23™, 20:00



Yugoslavia - a country that no longer exists. Perished in wars between brothers in the 90s. For the second time since 1914, Sarajevo was at the center of a seemingly never-ending conflict that lives on in the present. Many people fled to Berlin - on the run, in search for work and another life. How do these Berliners experience these conflicts today? Here the children of the victims of war crimes live alongside the children of the perpetrators. How do they interact? Common ground is the substance we share, a foundation on which we stand. In her project Yael Ronen brings together performers who came to Berlin from Belgrade and Sarajevo, Novi Sad and Prijedor. What is their Common Ground ? The play has been collectively developed based on a trip to Bosnia, and on encounters with experts and the family members of the protagonists. The theater becomes a safe space for discussing terms like guilt and atonement, forgiveness and forgetting, while stereotypes, prejudices and conflicting narratives gleefully collide. Awards: Invitation to Berlin Theatertreffen 2015 Audience award of Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis 2015 YAEL RONEN in-house Gorki director, was born in Jerusalem in 1976. She comes from a theatre family and is internationally considered as one of the most exciting theatre makers of her generation. The greatest tool at her disposal is black humour in the framework of historical conflicts. Ronen’s play Third Generation, featuring German, Israeli and Palestinian actors, was invited to numerous festivals. Another of her productions Hakoah Wien, developed at Schauspielhaus Graz, was awarded the Austrian Nestroy theatre prize in 2013. She staged the world premiere of the adaptation of Olga Grjasnowa’s bestselling novel AH Russians Love Birch Trees.