
24. SEPTEMBAR, 20:00


Predstava Mrtve duše je je prvi veliki projekat Gogoljevog centra zasnovan na ruskim klasicima. U predstavi Kirila Serebrenikova, pesma Nikdaja Gogolja o garderoberu mrtvih duša Pavelu Čičikovu nije preneta bukvalno već dobija potpuno nov i relevantan glas. Različita doba sreéu se u ruskoj večnoj bezvremenosti u kojoj su s lança pušteni apsurd i nevolja. Serebrenikov stvara potpunu sliku ruskog života u kojem se ništa nikad ne menja. Gogoljevi likovi se kreću u prenatrpanom prostoru među zidovima od šper-ploča, u kutiji bez mogućnosti bekstva. Na pozornici su desetorica glumaca. Majstorsko fikciono pozorište sreće se sa detaljnim pozorištem psihološke škole. Svaki glumac igra vise uloga, pa se Gogoljevi zemljoposednici glatko pretvaraju u stance, decu, seoske pijance, konje ili čopor pasa. Čičikov postaje žrtva tog sveta iz kojeg nema izlaza. Songove za predstavu specijalno je napisao poznati ruski savremeni kompozitor Aleksandar Manotskov, a zasnovani su na Gogoijevim Lirskim digresijama, filozofskim tekstovima o Rusiji iz pesme. Songove izvodi ceo hor glumaca i oni podnju da lice na songove Bertolta Brehta, ali pitanje „Rusijo, šta hoćeš od mene?“ ostaje bez odgovora. REČ REDITELJA; Ova priča je projekcija Mrtvih duša na jedan drugi Gogoljev tekst - Kockare. Drugim redma, to je situacija kada jedan varalica želi da prevari sve, ali ga na kraju prevare druge varalice. Predstava je prvo postojala kao partitura: kompozitor Aleksandar Manotskov je napisao muziku za predstavu, a ja sam uradio adaptaciju. U ranijoj verziji Gogoljev tekst je bio na letonskom, a ja željno iščekujem da ga konačno čujem na ruskom. Ova vrsta književnosti zaslužuje da bude postavljena na pozornicu. Ovo Gogoljevo delo je ključ za razumevanje ruskog života. Svi likovi i tipovi ličnosti u rukom narodu izraženi su kroz crte Korobočke, Nozdreva, Sobakeviča, Manilova i drugih. Jedno od iznenadenja u predstavi jeste ko će igrati koga. Podela je sasvim neočekivana. Na primer, jedan od vodedh glumaca u našem pozorištu, zaslužni umetnik Rusije Oleg Gutšin igraće Korobočku, a ulogu Čidkova preuzeće mladi Amerikanac Odin Biron i moskovski pozorišni glumac Semjon Stejnberg. Kiril Serebrenikov

SEPTMEBER 24™, 20:00


Dead Souls is the first Gogol Center large-scale project on Russian classics. In Kirill Serebrennikov's show the Nikolai Gogol’s poem about the costumer of dead souls Pavel Chichikov isn’t transfered to nowadays literary but it gets completely new and relevant voice. Different ages meet each other in everlasting Russian timelessness, where absurd and trouble have broken loose. Serebrennikov creates the full image of Russian life where nothing ever changes. Gogol’s characters move in the cramped space among the plywood walls in the box without a possibility of escape. There are ten male actors on stage. Masterly fictional theatre meets detailed theatre of psychological school. Every actor plays multiple roles, so Gogol’s landlords are flawlessly turning into old women, children, rustic drunks, ladies, horses or dog pack. Chichikov becomes a victim of this world without any way out. The songs for the show were specially written by a well-known Russian contemporary composer Alexander Manotskov. They are based on Gogol’s Lyrical Digressions philosophical texts about Russia from the poem. They are performed by a whole choir of actors and suddenly become to bear a resemblance to the songs of Bertolt Brecht, but the question „Russia, what do you want from me?” stays without an answer. DIRECTOR’S WORD: This story is a projection of the Dead Souls into another of Gogol’s texts, The Gamblers. That is a situation, where one cheat wants to swindle everyone but in the end gets swindled by other cheats. The show already exists as a score; the composer, Alexander Manotskov wrote music for the production and I made the adaptation. In the previous version Gogol’s text was in Latvian and I am eager to finally hear it in Russian. This kind of literature is worth being staged. This work of Gogol is a key to understanding Russian life. All characters and personality types of Russian people are expressed in traits of Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Manilov and others. One of the surprises of the production is who will play whom. The cast is quite unexpected. For example one of the leading actors of our theatre, Honoured artist of Russia, Oleg Gutshin will play Korobochka and Chichikov’s role will be performed by a young American, Odin Biron and a theatre actor from Moscow, Semen Steinberg. Kirill Serebrennikov