
Bitef na filmu posvećen je Jovanu Ćirilovu kao selektoru Bitefa i idejnom tvorcu Bitefa na filmu. On je najčešće predlagao temu programa i bio mi je dragoceni savetnik, Koliko je bilo sluha za novo i još nepoznato, izmedu ostalog vidi se i po predstavama koje su obeležile istoriju festivala, a na koje ovogodišnja selekcija Bitefa na filmu treba da nas podseti. Robert Vilson, Pina Baus i Borut Šeparović izabrani su da predstave brojne umetnike čije su predstave uveličale Bitef koji su osnovali, vodili i voleli Mira Trailović i Jovan Ćirilov. Vera Konjović „Mira Trailović i Jovan Ćirilov osnovali su Bitef zbog svojih ličnih perverznih seksualnih sklonosti." Jedan od komentara

22. SEPTEMBAR, 17:30 - AJNŠTAJN NA PLAŽI / EINSTEIN ON THE BEACH Opera Muzika i pevani tekst: Philip Glass Režija, scenografija, svetlo: Robert Wilson Koreografija: Lucinda Childs Govorni tekst: Christopher Knowles, Samuel M. Johnson, Lucinda Childs Učestvuju: The Lucinda Childs Dance Company i The Philip Glass Ensemble Dirigent: Michael Riesman Snimak predstave - Pariz 2012. Proizvodnja: Telmondis, Francuska, 2014. Trajanje: 270’ DVD, kolor

This Bitef on Film is dedicated to Jovan Ćirilov as a Bitef selector and the man whose idea Bitef on Film was. The programme topic was usually his idea and he was my valuable advisor. How open he was for the new and still unknown, is clear from the performances that marked the history of the festival, and that is what this year programme of Bitef on Film aims at reminding us all. Robert Wilson, Pina Bausch and Borut Šeparović have been chosen to represent numerous artists whose performances have enriched Bitef, which was founded, led and loved by Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov. Vera Konjović “Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov created Bitef in order to satisfy their own pervert sexual inclinations." One of the comments. 22 nd SEPTEMBER, 17:30 EINSTEIN ON THE BEACH Opera Music and songs: Philip Glass Directing, Stage Design, Light: Robert Wilson Spoken text: Christopher Knowles, Samuel M. Johnson, Lucinda Childs Participants: The Lucinda Childs Dance Company and The Philip Glass Ensemble Conductor: Michael Riesman Performance recorded in Paris 2012 Production: Telmondis, France, 2014 Runtime: 270' DVD, colour ROBERT WILSON (1941) studied business administration, architecture, took lessons in painting, and attended lectures by the widow of Lâszlo Moholy-Nagy, a designer, filmmaker, photographer and sculptor. In 1960, he started an experimental production and in 1970, he and Philip Glass started their work on the opera Einstein on the Beach which made them both famous. PHILIP GLASS (1937) played the violin, flute, and piano at the age of six. He studied mathematics, philosophy, and music. In 1968, he founded Philip Glass Ensemble. He composes for opera, ballet, and theatre, makes chamber music and symphonies. LUCINDA CHILDS is the most relevant American postmodern choreographer. In 1973, she founded a