
19. SEPTEMBAR, 13:00 Ustanova kulture Parobrod CEDEUM, Beograd. Srbija RADIONICA; POZORIŠTE U OBRAZOVANJU Trajanje: 120’ Pozorište u obrazovanju (Theatre in Education) je forma u kojoj profesionalni glumci dolaze u škole i u učionicama prikazuju kraću scenu koja tematski obraduje odredeni problem ill pojavu sa kojom se mladi suočavaju (narkomanija, nasilje, ugrožavanje ljudskih prava, samostalnost, odnos sa roditeljima i si.) Scena otvara mogućnost za dijalog ill dramsku radionicu u kojoj mladi na kreativan način osvešćuju i rešavaju problem Hi situaciju koja je pokrenuta scenom. Trajanje scene i dijaloga je najčešće jedan školski čas. Voditelj radionice: Pol Marej PAUL MURREY je glumac, reditelj i dramski pedagog iz Velike Britanije koji već pet godina živi i aktivno deluje na polju dramskog obrazovanja u Beogradu. Osnivač je i voditelj Belgrade English Language Youth Theatre koji deluje pri Dedjem kulturnom centru. Doktorirao je 2009. na Univerzitetu u Vinčesteru iz oblasti pozorišta. CEDEUM ove godine želi da pokrene projekat Pozorišta u obrazovanju kroz partnerstvo škola, pozorišnih trupa i umetnika. Tokom 16. Bitef Polifonije primeri mogućih scena pozorišta u obrazovanju biće predstavljeni kroz rad ApsArt-a, POD teatra i drugih.

SEPTEMBER 19™, 13:00 Institution of Culture Parobrod CEDEÜM, Belgrade, Serbia WORKSHOP: THEATRE IN EDUCATION Duration: 120' Theatre in Education is a form in which professional actors visit schools and in classrooms perform a short scene addressing a particular problem or a phenomenon affecting young people (drug addiction, violence, violation of human rights, autonomy, relations with parents etc.) The chosen scene enables a dialogue or a drama worshop in which young people become aware of this peculiar problem, and try solving it, in a creative way. The scene and the dialogue usually last like a regular school class. Workshop moderator: Paul Murrey PAUL MURREY is a British actor, director and drama educator who has lived and actively participated in drama education in Belgrade for the past five years. He founded and is the moderator of the Belgrade English Language Youth Theatre attached to the Children’s Cultural Centre. He earned his PhD in theatre studies at the University of Winchester in 2009. CEDEUM this year wants to initiate its Theatre in Education project through the partnership of schools, theatre companies and artists. Examples of possible scenes with the Theatre of Education will be presented through the work of ApsArt, POD Theatre and others during the 16th Bitef Polyphony.