
21. SEPTEMBAR, 11:00 Ustanova kulture Parobrod Cirkusfera, Beograd, Srbija - RADIONICA: AKROBALANS Trajanje: 120’ Cirkusfera radionice u okviru platforme Cirkobalkana. Akrobalans je cirkuska disciplina gde dve osobe Hi vise njih, postavljajući tela u odredene pozicije, pravilno raspoređujući težinu i stvarajući ravnotežu, izvode zanimljive figure koje izgledaju kao da se protive zakonima fizike. Vežbanje ove veštine predstavlja odličan način za učenje stoja na rukama, za vežbanje fleksibilnosti, sticanje osećaja za prostor i za zabavu. Radionicu vode: Danka Sekulović i Biljana Zlatanović, Acroshizz

SEPTEMBER 21 st , 11:00 Institution of Culture Parobrod Cirkusfera, Belgrade, Serbia - WORKSHOP: AKROBALANS Duration: 120’ Cirkusfera workshops within Circobalkana Platform. Akrobalans is a circus discipline in which two or more individuals put their bodies in specific positions distributing properly their weight and creating a balance so as to perform interesting figures which seem to resist the laws of physics. Practicing this skill is an excellent way to learn how to stand on one’s hands, gain flexibility, acquire the feeling of space and have good time. Workshop moderators: Danka Sekuiović and Biljana Zlatanović, Acroshizz

Fotografija / Photography by: Siavica Dolašević