
be. nego je u Ričardu otkrio metafizičkog tragičnog junaka. Takvog koji ispašta svoj život, koji zlobu prihvata kao formu slobode”, iz Kataloga 26. Bitefa X 17:30 x MRTVIRAZRED snimak predstave Napisao i režirao: Tadeuš Kantor Uloge: Maria Strangret-Kantor. Celina Njeđvjecka, Anžej Velminski, Zbignjev Gostomski, Mira Rihlicka, Roman Sivulak, Vaclav Janicki Produkcija: Teatar Cricot 2, Krakov, Poljska Premijera prve verzije: 15. novembar 1975. Druga verzija: 1977. (Grand prix 11. Bitef 77) Filmska režija: Andžej Vajda Produkcija: Zespöl Filmowy X. 1976. Prikazano na 11. Bitefu na filmu 77. Trajanje: 80’ Tadeuša Kantora smatraju za jednog od najznačajnijih inovatora, za umetnika koji je imao ogroman uticaj na teatar 20. veka. Kantorov Mrtvi razred ima tri verzije. Vajda je snimio prvu verziju koju je retko ko video van Poljske, a u Beogradu,

Ristić did not want to talk only about the horrors of a mindless struggle for power or the mental aspects of malice: he discovered in Richard a metaphysical tragic hero, one who has suffered all his life and accepts malice as a form of freedom. He won it when he achieved malice as a goal per se.”, Catalogue, 26 th Bitef X 17:30 x THE DEAD CLASS Recording of the production Author and Director: Tadeusz Kantor Cast: Maria Strangret-Kantor, Celina Nedwiecka, Andrzej Welminski, Zbignew Gostomski, Mira Rihlicka, Roman Sivulak, Waclaw Janicki Production: Teatar Cricot 2, Krakow, Poland Premiere of the first version November 15 th 1975. Second version: 1977. (Grand Prix 11 th BITEF 1977) Film director: Andzej Wajda Producer: Zespöl Filmowy X, 1976 Shown Bitef on Film 1977 Running time: 80’

kao i u mnogim svetskim gradovima, igrana je druga verzija. „Ja stvaram reainost, spiet raznih realnosti, bez ikakve veze s logikom ill igranom dramom, ja stvaram polja napetosti koja će biti u stanju da razbiju narativnu strukturu drame. Sve to činim u atmosferi šoka i skandala“, rekao je Kantor u jednom intervjuu.

Andžej Vajda je učestvovao na 10. Bitefu sa Slučajem Danton Stanislave Pšibiševske i na 21. Bitefu sa Zločinom ikaznom Dostojevskog. Za Mrtvi razred je rekao: „To je jedina predstava koju sam gledao pet puta. Dojmila me se u tolikoj meri da sam odlučio da je snimim kao film. A ja nikada ne snimam svoje pozorišne režije.“

Tadeusz Kantor is considered one of the most important innovators; he was an artist who exercised tremendous influence on the 20th century theatre. There are three versions of Kantor’s Dead Class. Wajda filmed the first version which few people outside Poland ever saw; Belgrade and many other cities around the world saw the second version. “I create reality, a wreath of different realities, which has nothing to do with logic or drama, I create fields of tension which will be able to break the narrative structure of a drama. I do it all in an atmosphere of shock and scandal.”, Kantor said in an interview. Andrzej Wajda participated in 10 th Bitef with Stanislawa Przybyszewska’s The Danton Case and in 21 st Bitef with Dostoevski’s Crime and Punishment. Of The Dead Class he said: „This is the only production I saw five times. It impressed me to such an extent that I decided to make it as a film. And I never make films of my theatre directions.”