
x 17:00, Kulturni centar REX ERGstatus, Beograd, Srbija X BAJKE KAD ZAĆUTE Autor: Boris Čakširan Autor! I saradnici: Marko Pejović, Jovana Rakić, Marija Marković Izvođenje: Stojan Simić, Maja Ven, Ivana Ćuk, Vladimir Đukić, Miloš Janjić i Duja Tehnika: Bojan Palikuća Muzika: kolaž u obradi BGH Produkcija: ERGstatus Projekat podržali: KC REX, Stanica - Servis za savremeni ples i CEDEUM Projekat je posvećen istraživanju specifičnosti uticaja bajki na procese odrastanja, kao i na formiranje svesti i ponašanja kod odraslih ljudi. Ovaj fenomen se istražuje i kroz uticaj na društvo i socijalne okvire u kojima živimo, kao i na poseban uticaj na život i prihvatanje različitosti osoba sa invaliditetom i drugih marginalizovanih grupa, doživljaja drugačijeg i prihvatanja koncepta hijerarhijskog društva i sistema, i konačno sveta u kome živimo.

Zamyatin’s We, and Goethe’s Faust. The project explores the burning question of redefining the concept of freedom in the future. Open interaction between artists and audience poses questions which, in return, define scene order and the dynamics of performance.

Zamyatin’s We and Goethe’s Faust, through interaction of artists and audience. The project explores contemporary themes of redefinding the concept of freedom in the future, where in an open process of creating the play, through interaction with the audience, questions are being asked - which will determine order of the acts and the dynamics of performing. After the performance: ASSITEJ dialogues - discussion between young theatre theoriticians and critics and the audience. x 17:00, Cultural Centre REX ERGstatus, Belgrade, Serbia X WHEN FAIRY TALES FALL SILENT Author: Boris Čakširan Authors and associates: Marko Pejović, Jovana Rakić, Marija Marković Performers: Stojan Simić, Maja Ven, Ivana Ćuk, Vladimir Đukić, Miloš Janjić and Duja Technical master: Bojan Palikuća Music; Collage mix by BCH

Production: ERGstatus Project supported by: KC REX, Stanica Servis za savremeni pies Station - Service for contemporary dance and CEDEUM The project researches the specific influence of fairytales on the processes of growing up and creation of consciousness and behaviour of adults. The influence of this phenomenon is explored through its influence is explored through its influence on society and the social structure we live in as well as its particular influence on life and acceptance of differences of disabled persons and other marginalised groups, the perception of the otherness and acceptance of the concept of a hierarchical society and system and eventually, the world we live in. work in groups defining different concepts and forms as the basic material for the future production. This material will be defined and presented in the form of installation or different performative practices.