
X 30. SEPTEMBAR, 11:00 (DOM OMLADINE BEOGRADA, SALA AMERIKANA) Generator - saradnička platforma za razvoj plesnog pozorišta za decu na Baikanu / Stanica - Servis za savremeni pies, Beograd, Srbija X KAKO UPOZNATI DECU S NOVIM POZORIŠTEM I NOVO POZORIŠTE S DECOM? Predstavljanje priručnika - razgovor/radionica Moderatorka: Marijana Cvetković, Stanica Servis za savremeni pies Govore: stručnjaci iz oblasti obrazovanja, umetnosti za decu, savremenog piesa i pozorišta za decu i mlade

Generator je dugoročni koiaborativni projekat koji teži razvoju izvođačkih umetnosti za decu na Balkanu. Na Bitef Poiifoniji predstavlja se projekat i dva nova priručnika Kako upoznati decu s pozorištem i pozorište s decom i Vežbanka za pokret i pies. Projekat okuplja umetnike, pedagoge, predstavnike institucija i eksperte angažovane na polju izvođačkih umetnosti i edukacije sa balkanskog i nordijskog prostora, Kroz istraživanja, laboratorije, radionice i javne diskusije svi ovi profesionalci se uključuju

X SEPTEMBER 30™, 11:00 BELGRADE YOUTH CENTRE (DOB), AMERICANA HALL Generator - Collaborative platform for development of dance theatre for children in the Balkans / Station - Service for contemporary dance, Belgrade Serbia X HOW TO INTRODUCE NEW THEATRE TO CHILDREN AND CHILDREN TO NEW THEATRE Presentation of the manual Moderator: Marijana Cvetković, Station - Service for contemporary dance Speakers: experts in education, arts for children, modern dance and theatre for children and young people

Generator is a long-term collaborative project aspiring to develop performing arts for children in the Balkans. The project and two new manuals: How to Introduce Theatre to Children and Children to Theatre and Exercise Book for Movement and Dance will be presented at Bitef Polyphony. The project brings together artists, educators, representatives of institutions and experts in the field of performing arts and education from the Balkans and Nordic countries. Through research, laboratories, workshops and public debates all these professionals join the process of developing dance theatre for children and jointly raise

u procese razvoja plesnog pozorišta za decu i zajednički podižu standards i kvalitet ove umetnosti. Glavni cilj je da se znanjem i praksama rada za decu i sa decom ojačaju obrazovni i kulturni sektor, te da se uspostavi i razvije održiva veza izmedu ova dva sektora.

Partner! u projektu: Stanica - Servis za savremeni pies iz Beograda, Tala Dance Center iz Zagreba, Nomad Dance Academy Makedonija i Centar za edukaciju mladih, Travnik.

Trajanje: 120’

the standards and quality of this art form. The main purpose is to strengthen the educational and cultural sector with knowledge and practical work for and with children and establish and promote a sustainable link between these two sectors.

Partners in the project: Station - Service for contemporary dance from Belgrade, Tala Dance Center from Zagreb, Nomad Dance Academy Macedonia and Centre for the Education of Young People, Travnik.

Running time: 120’