
Manifestacija je uspostavljena 2013. godine, s ciljem da se putem predstava, predavanja, radionica i rezidencijalnih programa približi umetnost savremenog cirkusa kako široj javnosti, tako i kreatorima kulturne politike, ali i sa žeijom za formiranjem i afirmisanjem mladih cirkuskih umetnika. Za razliku od prethodnih godina, kada se program održavao u cirkuskom šatoru, kao nezavisnom izvođačkom prostoru, ovogodišnji festival za trenutak iskače iz svojih okvira, ali i dalje ostaje pri svojoj ideji jačanja nezavisnih izvođačkih prostora. Program će se odvijati na tri lokacije (CZKD, KC REX, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4). Festival savremenog cirkusa Cirkobalkana održaće se u organizaciji Cirkusfere (Beograd) i Cirkorame (Zagreb) od 26. septembra do 2. oktobra u Beogradu i od 4, do 10. oktobra u Zagrebu.


X 27.1 30. SEPTEMBAR, 21:00, CZKD x AL CUBO / BETTI COMBO (FR) Svako u svojoj Vavilonskoj kuii. Dva muškarca i jedna žena, plastične kofe i dva ukulelea. Graded neverovatne konstrukcije, nepredvidive balanse, pedantni i ponekad podrugljivi trio nas uvodi u srečnu i prihvatljivu neizvesnost. Put u dubinu uspeha, iskazivanje privatnosti i dtav haos oduševljava nas odglednom slobodom i svojom ludošću. U istraživanju ekstremnosti i potrazi za postizanjem ravnoteže, Betti Combo koristi kofe kao motor koji pokreće radnju. Kineska šipka proširuje scenski prostor na dimenziju u vazduhu, gde se pokušavaju dostid granice nestabilnosti i nesigurnosti kako bi se napredovalo dalje. Za tehničko pismosvaketačkekoristesecirkuskedisciplineifizičkiteataru komunikaciji s klovnom svakog glumca... Betti Combo je trupa nagradena nagradom SACD za inovaciju na 35. Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain 2014, prvom nagradom na Best of Be turneji 2013, proglašeni

The programme was introduced in 2013 in order to offer shows, lectures, workshops and residential programmes and thereby acquaint better the public and the creators of cultural policies with the modern circus art and in the hope of training and making room for young circus artists. In contrast with previous years when the venue was a circus tent as an independent performing space, this year the festival steps out of its milieu without giving up the basic idea of strengthening independent spaces: the events will take place at three locations (CZKD, KC Rex, Magacin in 4 Kraijevića Marka Street). Cirkobalkana, a festival of modern circus, is organised by Cirkusfera (Belgrade) and Cirkorama (Zagreb) from 26 th September until 2 nd October in Belgrade and from 4 until 10 th October in Zagreb.


X SEPTEMBER 27 th AND 30 th , 21:00, CZKD x AL CUBO/ BETTI COMBO (FR) Everybody in his/her own Babylonian Tower. Two men and one woman, plastic buckets and two ukuleles. The trio, pedantic and occasionally mocking, build unbelievable structures and unpredictable balances introducing us to a happy and acceptable uncertainty. The path to the depth of success, expression of privacy and the whole chaos enrapture by evident freedom and sheer silliness, in their exploration of extremes and pursuit of equilibrium Betti Combo use buckets as the engine driving the action, A Chinese pole enlarges the stage space to a dimension in the air where they try to reach the boundaries of instability and insecurity in order to progress further. In therms of technique each act employs circus disciplines and physical theatre in communication with each actors clown. Betti Combo was awarded SACD Prize for innovation at the 35e Mondial du Cirque de Demain 2014, the first prize