
i Severnoj Americi. U knjiži je navedeno i obrađeno preko 50 svetskih reditelja, a osvetljeni su njihov rad i specifičnost žanrovskog delovanja. Knjiga Kembridžov uvod u pozorišnu režiju je vredna teatrološka študija ne samo o nastanku i razvoju pozorišne režije več i o premenama u tehnici glume, kao i o prameni same uloge gledaoca u pozorištu. Smatramo da je ova knjiga nezaobilazno štivo i neophodan udžbenik za sve pozorišne reditelje, glumce, scenografe i kostimografe, pozorišnu publiku i, svakako, studente. Ivana Vujič Kominac, urednica knjige (edicija Teorija / Tekst/Izvodačke umetnosti Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu), pozorišna rediteljka, red. prof. Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu, šef Laboratorije izvodačkih umetnosti na FDU

Innés and Shevtsova demonstrate profound knowledge and respect for the profession and with a lot of rare information reveal to us the exciting development of theatre direction in Europe and North America. The book introduces over 50 world renowned directors, their work and their specific genres. The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Directing is an important work in the field of theatre studies: it is not only about the origins and evolution of theatre directing but also about the changes in acting techniques and the role of theatre spectators. We believe that it constitutes indispensable reading and a textbook for all theatre directors, actors, set and costume designers, theatre audiences and - that goes without saying - students, Ivana Vujič Kominac, Editor (series Theory/Text/Performing Arts of the University of Arts in Belgrade), theatre director, professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Head of Laboratory of Performing Arts of the FDA


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