
Prostor Festivalskog centra na Andričevom vencu imao je, može se reči, svoje epsko putovanje - transformacija od prodajnog salona nameštaja po kojem ga i dalje svi pamte (bivši „Eurosalon"), preko raznih društvenih i promotivnih događaja, do galerijskih i drugih kulturnih sadržaja. Bitef se prošle godine pridružio ovom prostoru na njegovom putovanju i udahnuo mu novi život. Krenuli smo malim koracima, da bismo ove godine od usputne stanice stvorili još atraktivniju destinaciju. U Festivalskem centru smeštena je Služba za odnose sa javnošču, redakcija bloga, to je i mesto za susret stranih gostiju festivala, za osveženje i odmor, a istovremeno mesto dešavanja različitih tribina, promocija knjiga, radionica pratečih programa. A kako Bitef tradicionalno neguje i programe iz oblasti vizuelnih umetnosti i podržava mlade autore, Festivalski centar če ovaj put ugostiti izložbu fotografija KORAI Koste Đurakovića. Dobro došli!

The space at Andricev venae which now houses the Festival centre has had, one might say, an epic journey of its own. It has undergone transformation from a furniture store still remembered by everyone (former “Eurosalon”), through a space for various social and promotional events, to a gallery and cultural venue. Last year, Bitef entered this space on its journey, bringing a whiff of fresh air. Our first steps were small but this year we changed this place from a stopover into an attractive destination. Besides accommodating the PR service and the blog, the festival centre is also the place where festival guests can meet, refresh and recuperate, but also the place where various panels, book promotions, and workshops take place. Moreover, following the Bitef tradition of nurturing visual arts and supporting young authors. Festival centre will, this year, host Kosta Đuraković’s photography exhibition KORAL Welcome!

FESTIVALSKI CENTAR Prostor bivšeg Eurosalona Adresa: Andricev venae 2 Festivalski Centarje otvoren od n. do 30. septembra Radno vreme: 10:00 - 19:00

FESTIVAL CENTRE Former Eurosalon Address: Andricev venae 2 It is open in the period between 11 th and 30 th September Working hours: from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.

IZLOŽBA FOTOGRAFIJA KORAI Vizuelni izraz Koste Đurakovića stilski je čvrst i kompakten. Sve radove povezuju isti motivi: ženska figura, cesto naga, izostanak kolorita i naglasak na valerima, dramatični kontrasti, osmišljene mizanscenske kompozicije, slavljenje žene i duhovne snage, insistiranje na klasičnem doživljaju lepog. Jedna fotografija u seriji figurira i na metapoetičkom nivou - komentar je na temu umetnosti: dve sedeče ženske figure, jedna do druge, u sličnim a opet različitim položajima, jedna plava u crnoj odeči, druga črna u svetloj, jedna sa snenim pogledom upravljenim u daljinu, druga

PHOTO EXHIBITION KORA / Kosta Đuraković’s visual expression is stylistically solid and compact. All his works are mutually linked by the same motifs: female figure, often nude, absence of colours and emphasis on tonal values, dramatic contrasts, studied compositions, celebration of woman, of spiritual strength, insisting on classic beauty. One of the photos in this series speaks on metapoetic level too, offering a comment on art itself: two female figures seated side by side in similar yet different positions, one blond wearing black, the other dark wearing light, one dreamily gazing into the distance,