
Mitovi nose i mitsko shvatanje vremena koje podrazumeva ciklični povratak jednog istog. Čemu se Evropa onda može nadati? Šta je čeka u njenoj budućnosti? - Nemam pojma. Nekad se bojim. I cesto sam ljut. I puno toga ne razumem. Šta su moderni mitovi? O čemu bi uz gusle pevao moderni evropski pesnik? - Pevao bi o Hitleru i Če Gevari i Majklu Džordanu i padu Berlinskog zida, možda. Možda o antidepresivu i vijagri. Možda o CERN-u i Kablu. A sigurno bi pevao da ne bude tako prokleto sam.

Myths also bring mythical understanding of time which implies perpetual cycles of eternally the same. What is Europe to hope for, then? What is in store for Europe? - No idea. Sometimes I’m scared. And I'm often angry. And there are many things 1 do not understand. What are the modern myths? What would a modern European poet sing of? - Of Hitler and Che Guevara and of Michael Jordan and of the fall of the Berlin wall. Of antidepressants and Viagra, maybe. Of CERN and Hubble. But he definitely would sing in order to not feel so terribly alone.


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