
KOLEKTIF, s kojim je razvio predstave dugog trajanja, eksperimentalne žurke i interdisciplinarna pozorišna dela. Tokom sezone 2013/14, bio je član REGlEstudio u teatru Šaušpil u Frankfurtu i režirao 2. simfoniju (pozvana na „radikaljung" festival u Minhenu 2014), Zamak, i Orfej# (pozvane na „radikaljung" festival 2015). Godine 2015, Ersan Mondtag stvara komad Tyrannis, koji je pozvan na festival „Teatertrefen" u Berlinu 2016. godine. Časopis Teater hojte proglasio ga je rediteljem u usponu 2016. godine. Proglašen je i „scenografom i

ERSAN MONDTAG was born in Berlin in 1987 and works in the fields of theatre and music, performance and installation. In 2011, he enrolled at the Otto-Falckenberg-Schule in Munich. Two years later, he discontinued his studies there and in 2012, he founded KAP/TÆL ZWEI KOLEKTIF. With this collective, he developed durational performances, experimental party formats and interdisciplinary theatre works. During the 2013/14 season, he was a member of the REGlEstudio at Schauspiel Frankfurt and directed 2. Sinfonie (invited to the 2014 “Radikal jung”-festival in Munich), Das Schloss and Orpheus# (invited to the 2015 “Radikal jung”-festival). in 2015, Ersan Mondtag created his play Tyrannis, which earned him an invitation to the 2016 Berlin Theatertreffen. The magazine Theaterheute chose Ersan Mondtag as “Emerging Director of the Year 2016”. He was similarly distinguished as “Set and Costume Designer of the Year”. Ersan Mondtag lives in Berlin. He works at Hamburg’s Thalia Theater, Schauspiel Frankfurt, Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin and Münchner Kammerspiele, among others. His production of The Extermination, devised together with Olga Bach, is Mondtag’s first work as a director in Switzerland. FROM THE REVIEWS “Snow, as explosive as it can be (...) Ersan Mondtag cleverly transforms only a few passages from the novel, and doing it through choreography, manages to demonstrate not only its beauty but also the compulsiveness.” Hamburger Abendblatt "With light and shadow. Ersan Mondtag puts the story skilfully into the scene, hovering over the stage to the music of Max Andrezjewksi, who has taken it from various cultural circles, in the quiet moments, the Kafkaesque atmosphere of the foreignness is particularly beautifully evoked,” Die Welt “As in a gloomy symphony, narrative motifs and themes unfold. The production of the young director Ersan Mondtag poses the right questions, thus creating a climate of latent aggressiveness. Patterns of fanaticism and violence: a series of brutal images passes by. It is a dance of the dead.” NDR.de