


MARIJA ŠEVCOVA, predsednica žirija, profesorka je dramskih i pozorišnih umetnosti na Goldsmits koledžu Univerziteta u Londonu, Autorka je više od 140 članaka i poglavlja u stručnim edicijama, dok su medu njenim autorskim delima nalaze Dodin i Mali dramski teatar: Procesom do predstave (2004), Pedeset ključnih pozorišnih reditelja (2005, koautorka), Žan Žene: tzvodački čin i politika (2006, kourednica), Robert Vilson (2007), Reditelji/Režije: razgovori o pozorištu (2009, koautorka), Sociologija pozorišta i izvočenja (2009), i Kembridžov uvod u pozorišnu režiju (2013, kourednica). Njena deia prevedena su na jedanaest jezika. Kourednica je časopisa New Theatre Quarterly u okviru časopisa Međunarodne asocijacije pozorišnih kritičara, Critical Stages. Konsultant je na raznim međunarodnim pozorišnim festivalima, uključujuči Šekspir festival u Krajovi.

MARIA SHEVTSOVA, jury president, is Professor of Drama and Theatre Arts at Goldsmiths, University of London. Author of more than 140 articles and chapters in collected volumes, her books include Dodin and the Maly Drama Theatre: Process to Performance (2004), Fifty Key Theatre Directors (2005, co-ed), Jean Genet: Performance and Politics (2006, co-ed), Robert Wilson (2007), Directors/Directing: Conversations on Theatre (2009, co-authored). Sociology of Theatre and Performance (2009), and The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Directing (2013, co-authored). Her publications have been translated into eleven languages. She is co-editor of New Theatre Quarterlyand on the editorial team of Critical Stages, journal of the International Association of Theatre Critics. She is a Consultant to various international theatre festival's, including the Craiova Shakespeare Festival.