
IGOR KORUGA je umetnik u oblasti izvođačkih umetnosti (ples i koreografija). Član je organizacije Staniča - Servis za savremeni ples u Beogradu, kao i Udruženja baletskih umetnika Srbije. Član je i regionalne mreže i platforme za ples - Nomad Dance Academy. Kao izvodač, koreograf i dramaturg, saradivao je lokalno, regionalno i u inostranstvu sa različitim umetnicima, pozorištima i umetničkim organizacijama (Danses Hus Stokholm, Habbel am Ufer/HAU/ Berlin, Uferstudios Berlin. TanzFabrik Berlin, Tanz Quartier Beč, Rosas danst Rosas i PARTS Brisel, Bitef teatar Beograd, Teorija koja hoda /TkH/ itd.). Radio je u okviruviše mreža i platformi za ples u Evropi - Life Long Burning (LLB), Departures and Arrivals (DNA), APAP itd.; autor je više predstava, medu kojima se ističu Samo moje (2016), Impasse (2015), Na trači (2014), Expose (2013), Temporaries (2012). Igorje diplomirao na študijama iz etnologije i antropologije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu, kao i na odseku Solo/Dance/Authorship na Univerzitetu umetnosti i edukativnom plesnom centru (HZT) u Berlinu. Bio je štipendista plesnih edukativnih programa Nomad Dance Academy i Dance Web, kao i Kancelarije gradonačelnika Berlina.

IGOR KORUGA is an artist working in performing arts (dance and choreography). He is a member of Station Servis for contemporary dance in Belgrade, and a member of the Assosiation of Ballet Artists of Serbia. He’s also a member of regional dance platform Nomad Dance Academy. As a dancer, choreographer and dramaturge, Igor has been collaborating regionally and internationally with various artists, theatres and artistic organisations (Danses Hus Stokholm, Habbel am Ufer.(HAU) Berlin, Uferstudios Berlin, TanzFabrik Berlin, TanzQuartier Vienna, Rosas danst Rosas & PARTS Brussels, Bitef Theatre Belgrade, Walking Theory Belgrade, etc). He has worked within different platforms and cultural projects for dance in Europe - LifeLongßurning (LLB), Departures and Arrivals (DNA), APAP etc. Igor is an author of many performances including: Only Mine Alone (2016), Impasse (2015), Streamlined (2014), Expose (2013), Temporaries (2012). Igor obtained MA in Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade, and at Solo/Dance/Authorship studies at Universität der Kunste/HZT in Berlin. He was a recipient of scholarships for dance educational programmes Dance Web, Nomad Dance Academy and also of the Tanzstipendium Berlin Senate.