
Mala žurka propuštenog plesa je hibridni javni događaj između predstave, hepeninga i andergraund žurke. Sa invaliditetom i bez njega, publika i izvođad na istom su „podijumu“, u istom „podrumu", na istoj „sceni". Prvi put su tamo gde nikad ranije nisu bili zajedno; gde se privatno i javno stapaju u jedno novo kolektivno iskustvo u kojem se ne propuštaju prilike, ne samo one za ples, nego i sve druge koje nas čine društvenim bičima i u nama bude „prelep osečaj da budemo ono što jesmo", kako kaže Natalija Vladisavljevič. Podrška: Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije, Erste banka i Srpsko narodno pozorište, Novi Sad.

A Small Party of Dance Missed is a hybrid public event which falls somewhere between theatre performance, happening, and an underground party. Audience and the performers, with or without disabilities, are together on the same "podium”, in the same “basement” and on the same “stage”. For the first time, they are where they have never been together before; where the public and the private are joined, creating a new collective experience, where opportunities are not missed - not just opportunities to dance, but any other opportunities which make us social beings, inspiring a “beautiful feeling to be what we are”, as Natalija Vladisavljević puts it. Supported by: the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Serbia, Erste Bank and Serbian National Theatre, Novi Sad.