
Kuća u kojoj se sve stapa u jedno i jedno se stapa u sve: zabrana i revolt, dan i noć, učmalost i živost kuće, uglađenost duha i oronula spoljašnost. To sve čini srž ove imersivne pozorišne predstave zasnovane na „devising" procesu i fizičkom teatru. Zahvaljujemo se svim dobrim ljudima koji su predstavu prepoznali i podržali, a posebno Marku Đuričkoviću i Vladimiru Pantoviču iz Strogog centra, Slavku Petroviču iz Blaznavac kafe-bara i Ivanu antikvaru. Tehnička podrška; Strogi centar, Blaznavac kafe-bar, Innovations , Milena Todorovič, Dejan Vladisavljevič, Darko Manasič, Ivan antikvar.

and high-class doctors, artists and common people, all passed by each other at the same place. The house where everything merges into one and one merges into all. Ban and revolt, day and night, apathy and liveliness, its noble spirit and dilapidated façade, it all creates this immersive theatre performance based on devising process and physical theatre. We would like to express our gratitude to all the good people who have recognized and supported the performance, especially to Marko Đuričković and Vladimir Pantović from Strogi Centar club, to Slavko Petrovič from Blaznavac café-bar, and Ivan the antiquarian. Technical support: Strogi Centar, Blaznavac café-bar, Innovations, Milena Todorovič, Dejan Vladisavljević, Darko Manasič, Ivan the antiquarian.


REACH Regional Endeavour For Art Culture And Health ■ "'W