
Balkans are strangers in their own land. We speak truth and only in the name of truth déclaré ourselves publicaly against you to day, against the hipocrisy and cynism of Serbian society and against the hypocrisy of modern society in general. We er y out to our motherland clearly and loudly above your voice Place to us! Hospitality to us first! Let this country hear her own poets first who are far stronger and greater than you and all your „Gardeners". This contry must and shall give car for once to the harbingers of the new civilisation of humanity and not always to the swan-songs of European’s carcasses which are already falling into decay. Your verses are lemonade, your philocophy dung, your mysticism, like all mysticism, is mystification. Your prophethood is a pose and a moral crime against millions of sufferers in the world, who groan beneath the burden of modern canibalic civilisation. With this epistle the Zenitists greet you and bid you fare well. Do not forget our gloomy Balkans and joyful Zenitism. The Zenitists beg only this of you at parting bow down to your great Contemporary Mahatma Gandhi in your far off country of Bengal, for that will be your greatest deed and the earthly crown of your miming efforts. Look to this before your inevitable journey to Nirvana and rejoice, gentle father for there will e no Zenitists in Nirvana! In the name of the phalanx of International Zenitists