Право и привреда

sislema, odnosi se na tvrdnju da ga čine spccijalna pravila. Kada se radi o medunarodnim trgovačkim običajima njihova specijalnost u odnosu na unutrašnje trgovačke običaje traži se u njihovoj prirodi i poreklu. Medulim, medunarodni trgovački običaji nemaju nišla specifično u odnosu na unulrašnje običaje što bi opravdalo njihovu autonomnost i uklapanje u poredak različit od nacionalnog. U realnosli postoje samo običaji čija se primena temelji na autonomiji volje ugovornih strana. A, ako je to tako, onda nema ni lex mercatoria, ni iransnacionalnog prava, osim ako se pod tim ne podrezumeva jedan zajednički osnov za sva nacionalna prava.


Lex mercatoria and international trade customs

It is common to use the term lex mercatoria for designation of the law of international trade. The terms transnational and anational law are also commonly employed. It is frequently assumed that lex mercatoria represents a special legal order different from the slate order. This legal order is seen by some as complete, while others see it in a process of transformation. Lex mercatoria as a system of law, it has been said, consists of norms created autonomously by the international community of businessmen. Such norms include, among other things, the international trade customs. They consist of internationally recognised customs different from national customs in regard of their nature and origin. However, the international trade customs have nothing specific in relation to national customs that would justify their inclusion within a system differnt from the national laws.


Pravo i privreda 1/2 1993. vol 31