Право и привреда

between the juridical system of the Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and the juridcal system of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. So, the federal laws of the Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, which are, in fact, unconcurrent with the Constitution, have become the part of the positive right of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. But, the Constituion Executive Law has explicitly made the obligation to the federal legislator to make federal laws which would be concurrent with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in periods determined by the Constitution Executive Law. The analysis of the legislative practice indicates that the procedure to making concurrent the federal laws with the Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is very slow. The key laws in the important pans of juridical system, have not mcuie or made concurrent with the Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Although there had to do many and complex activites since the begining enforcement the Constitution of Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and although the important activities to making federal laws concurrent with the Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia have been finished, in the federal legislation today there are more federal laws yet, which had been passed on the foundation of the Constitution of Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, the laws which are in their nouns unconcurrent with the Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The continuity' of such a situation can make the important consequences in the juridical order of the country. Cleaning up the unconcurrence between the Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the federal legislation in one relative short period would contribute the developement and function of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as the state of law and the state founded on the power of law. In opposite, unconcurrence between the juridical system and the Constitution, with, other reasons, seriously makes a question of execution of the Constitution and the development of social relations in concurrence with the Constitution. Key words: The Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - The Constitution Executive Law - the juridical system of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - execution of legislative function of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - making concurrence federal legislation with The Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.


Право и привреда бр, 1-2/95,