Радно и социјално право
Рајко Кличковић, Радно вријеме, одмори и одсуства у Републици Српској, Радно и социјално право, стр. 93-110, ХУ (1/2011)
Rajko Klickovié, Ministry of Labor of Republic Srpska
The right to work is one of the fundamental human rights guaranteed and protected by fundamental international documents starting from the principle that every man has an innate, equal, universal and inalienable rights deriving from the dignity of all human beings that are regulated by law.
Labor and employment in the Republic of Srpska normatively is fully regulated, including regulations governing working hours, vacations and absences of employees. The rights to limited working hours, vacations and absences are individual rights of the workers that belong to the basic employment rights and are very important for the social security of employees.
What is particularly emphasized in this work is the importance of exercising these rights for the total labor and employment policies to be improved through dialogue and partnership between employees and employers and the . harmonization of legislation with EU regulations.
Bearing in mind the current situation and the fact that in many sectors of the work, employers do not respect the limited working hours. the rights to vacations, and the fact of abusing the redistribution of working hours, we can conclude that the protection of workers in these cases is insufficient.
Finally, to win the support of expert discussions at the conference are proposed guidelines and recommendations for the promotion of these rights in order to ensure decent work in the Republic of Srpska.
Key words: employment, working contract, employee, employer, working hours, redistribution of working hours, absence from work.