Радно и социјално право
Дарко Маринковић, Владимир Маринковић, Цивилизацијски смисао и суштина социјалних права, Радно и социјално право, стр. 55-76, ХУ (1/2011) 8 2000 05 45896 #81 У ПИВО ДЕНИ 99 ИО ОИ (2
Darko Marinkovic, Megatrend University, Belgrade Vladimir Marinkovic, Megatrend University, Belgrade
In essence, between ethic, economy and social rights is established specific triangle. In other words, social rights has role of bridge between economy and ethic. Social justice, solidarity, individual and collective readiness to give priority to social in relationship with individual interests, are ethic constant in history, and also pillar of social rights in contemporary society. Hovewer, only in the frame of the industrial and postindustrial society, are established legal framework, concept and practice of social rights as part of business policy of companies, and development strategies of local communities and states. In that sense, social rights got its economic and development aspects. Reason for it is in the nature of market economy, or more precise in market competition, which, out of question, is one of strongest forces of economic and technological development of contemporary society. More and more dynamic development of sciences, first of all applied sciences and new technologies, provoked deep changes social values and priorities of social values. Center of market competition every day is transfered from market of goods, money and services to labor market, and it essentially means to human resources. Today in contemporary world is out of question that qey force of economic and technologic development is human resources. Social practice confirmed it in next way. The best results in economic and technologic development, quality of life, dignity of life and work approached countries with highest level of investment in human resources development.
Key words: social justice, solidarity, social rights, labor market, ethic, human rights, social conflicts.