Радно и социјално право

Мр Весна Билбија, Право на рад и право на интернет, Радно и социјално право, стр. 77-91, ХУ (1/2011)

http:/Awww.e-novine.com http://www.prafak.niac.rs http://www.smedia.rs http:/Avww.poslovi.rs http://www.mondo.rs

Vesna Bilbija, M.A. Public Corporation “PTT Serbia“



The right to Internet access is considered to be or is compared to the constitutional right to opinion, expression, and even the right to freedom. According to the UN report from the 34 June, 2011 it is, among other things, considered to be a violation of human rights if one is excluded from the Internet and it is considered to be against the international law.

In this paper, the attention is being drawn onto the new challenges which are arising with the occurrence of the new informational and communicational technologies, and which are raising a series of complex legal issues which are being set before the legal science and the profession.

New technologies and trends have become a part of our everyday lives at work and it is necessary, as soon as possible, to answer the question whether certain new forms within the employment law are needed or should the new technical challenges be seen as old issues in the new, virtual world on which the existing institutions should be applied. ©

Key words: The right to Internet access, Social network, Right to work, Internet misuse, Working hours.