Радно и социјално право
Проф. др Боривоје Шундерић, О појму социјалног ризика, Радно и социјално право, cmp. 1-18, XV (2/2011)
Prof. Borivoje Sunderié, Ph.D. Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade
The need for social security is directed to removal of the consequences of certain events that are mirrored in the loss of or a more significant reduction of income, i.e. in incurring additional costs by an individual. The imminent danger of arrival of such events is qualified as a social risk, therefore the concept of a social risk represents one of the basic concepts of Social Law. Since the basic concepts can be ambiguous sometimes, the author has paid particular attention to the clarification of the concept of a social risk and its demarcation of other similar concepts (the concepts of insured risks, social cases etc.). The characteristics and essential elements of the concept of a social risk (uncertainty, independence against the protected person's will, adversity, etc.), having an insight into some theoretical issues and conceptions of social risk as a social (law) category, are analysed in the paper.
Key words: the legal concept of a risk; social insurance; social law, social case.