Радно и социјално право

Милица Ковач-Орландић, мастер, Право на стручно усавршавањее и концепт доживотног учења, Радно и социјално право, стр. 53-72, ХУ (2/2011)

the significance of education in general should firstly be pointed out to young people and motivation for certain areas of interest should be developed through professional orientation even in elementary schools. Additionally, it is necessary to complete the legal regulations in term of the rights of labourers to specialisation through collective negotiation. It appears that under our conditions, professional specialisation is more an obligation than the right of an employee, as specialisation is legally conditioned by employer’s interest. If we add to this the fact that labourers’ living standard (in majority of cases) does not allow for specialisation on one’s own initiative; furthermore, the employers are still not easily making decision to invest their funds into human capital to a larger extent; then it is getting clear that labourers are in an adverse position in regard to the issue of realisation of the right to professional specialisation.

Key words: lifelong learning, the right to vocational training, discrimination, dismissal.