Радно и социјално право
Марко Жебељан, Доц. др Лидија Барјактаровић, Перспективе развоја индустрије добровољних... Радно и социјално право, cmp. 73-92, XV (2/2011)
Marko Zebeljan, LM Lidija Barjaktarevic, PD, teaching proffessor
Development perspectives of voluntary pension funds industry in Serbia
The necessary activities regarding further reforms in public pension system in our country caused considerably less attention being paid to the industry of voluntary pension funds. Even though it is still young and at a stage of capital accumulation, this industry has a need to change and develop along with tendencies and attitudes accepted within capitalised pension funds worldwide. Strict legislation, high correlation with income, as well as domestic managers’ approach which treats the assets of voluntary pension funds as investments in debt and highly liquid securities, has forced the authors to question the correctnes of this common practise in our country.
Key words: voluntary pension funds, diversification, principle of security, liberalisation, legislation.