РТВ Теорија и пракса

KORJŠĆENI IZVORJ 1 Joumal of Communicaiion, „Telenovelas: A L.atin American Success Story“, jesen 1985, br. 4, tom 35, The Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania, SAJD. 2 Intermedia, „The developing world: a Latin American view“, International Institute of Communications, London, maj 1985, br. 3, tom 13. 3 TV World, Intemational business magazine for television and video, novembar 1985, Alain-Charles Publishing Ltd. London. a) „South America’s links across the Allantic“, b) „Fiesta time in Rio“, c) „Ratings reform by Manchete", d) „Ratings rule in Peru“, e) ~Quality slot a must“, 0 ~Mexico makes a go of state TV“, g) ~Thirty years on, US shows top ratings 11 . 4 TV World, „Globo reacts to political change“, april 1985. 5 Journa! of Communication, ~Mexican Broadcasting: Reassessing the Industry-State Relationship", zima 1985, br. 1, tom 35. 6 Intermedia, ~Mexico - Televisa rises Ике a phoenix“, januar 1986, br. 1, tom 14. 7 World Broadcast News, „Peruvian station plans stereo TV“, Broadcast management/engineering, Njujork, mart 1985. 8 World Broadcast News, „Latin America a varied picture“, april 1986. 9 World. Broadcast News, „Multimedia ownership under review in Argentina", novembar 1985. 10 World. Broadcast News, „Argentina hopes for deregulation“, januar 1986. 11 UNESCO: Communication and Society, „Socio-economic Aspects of National Communication Systems 111 - Radio Broadcasting in Venezuela“, br. 12. 12 Intermedia, „ULCRA - Latin Broadcasters Unite“, novembar 1985, br. 6, tom 13.